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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月12日 10:16 商务部网站

food made by oceanic organismContractcompany:Dongshaneconomic and technical developed regionLinkman oftheproject:DengShipingTel:0596-5885007Fax:0596-5885790Emal:detdz@detdz.comFeasibilityof the project: Dongshan Island is famous forabundant aquaticproducts and excellent natural conditions. Theproject will takeadvantage of the abundant oceanic resources andproduce healthprotection food made by oceanic organism throughtechniques such lowtemperature and dehydration.Constructionscale:Total investments are5 million US dollars,capacity annualproduction of oceanic healthprotection food is 6000 tons .Mannersof collaboration:exclusiveinvestment, cooperation and jointventure.Analysis for economicprofits: annual production value canbe 10 million US dollars,andthe profits are 1.2 million USdollars.Progression of earlyconstruction:general planning has beendone to the project,and fivepassage clearance and one smoothnesshas been done for the site ofthe project.




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