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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月08日 17:56 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4585项目名称: 道路保养项目国 家: 阿尔巴尼亚类 属: 公路资金支持: 世界银行摘要:一般性采购贷款/信贷号码: 信贷号:3683合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-07-08截止日期:1900-01-01项目介绍:This is an update of the generalprocurement noticepublished in UN Development Business No. 634 of16 July 2004.TheGovernment of the Republic of Albania has receiveda credit in theamount of US$ 17 million and Supplemental Credit inthe amount US$13 million equivalent from the Internati
onalDevelopmentAssociation (IDA) toward the cost of the RoadMaintenance Project,and it intends to use the credit proceeds topayments for goods,works, related services and consulting servicesto be procuredunder this project. The total project cost isestimated at US$37.07 million equivalent.The project will includethe followingmain components:Maintenance of the Road Network(estimated totalcost US$ 0.88 million equivalent): Maintenance andrepair ofNational and Rural Roads, about 160 km road and bridges ofthe mainroad networks and about 140 km of the roads and bridges oftherural networks; strengthening the capacity of the borrower formoreeffective management of the project through provision of goodsandconsulting services.Improvement of Traffic Safety (estimatedtotalcost US$ 0.2 million equivalent): Provision of works andtrainingfor (i) improvement of roads in traffic accident blackspotslocations; and (ii) strengthening of the borrower抯 capacitytomonitor and manage road safety activities.Procurement ofcontractsfinanced by the credit will be conducted through theprocedures asspecified in the World Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurementunder IBRDLoans and IDA Credits, January 1995 (revised January andAugust1996, Septr 1997 and January 1999), and is open to all thebiddersfrom eligible source countries as defined in theguidelines.Consulting services will be selected in accordance withthe WorldBank抯 Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultantsby WorldBank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised Septr 1997 andJanuary1999).Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bidunderthe World Bank抯 international competitive bidding (ICB)proceduresand for large-value consultants?contracts will beannounced, asthey become available, in UN Development Business andin localnewspapers.Interested eligible bidders who wish to beincluded onthe mailing list to receive an invitation to bid underICBprocedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive acopyof the advertisement requesting expressions of interestforlarge-value consultants?contracts, or those requiringadditionalinformation, should contact the addressbelow.Contact:Ministry ofTransport and Telecommunication.GeneralRoad Directorate, PIUOffice.Attn: Mr. Adem Duka.Rr. Sami FrasheriNo. 33.TiranaAlbania.Tel/Fax: (355-4) 259-897.E-mail:aduka@adanet.com.alNoticeNumber:WB1980-659/05



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