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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月08日 17:56 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4587项目名称: 广州市交通枢纽项目国 家: 中国类 属: 其他资金支持: 世界银行摘要:设备采购贷款/信贷号码: 贷款号:4329-CHA合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-07-08截止日期:2005-08-15项目介绍:This invitation for bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice for this project that appeared in UNDevelopmentBusiness of Aug. 16, 2002.The Government of the People抯Republic ofChina (PRC) has received a loan from the InternationalBank forReconstruction and Development (hereinafter
called theWorld Bank)in various currencies towards the cost of Guangzhou CityCenterTransport Project. It is intended that part of the proceedsof thisloan will be applied to eligible payments under thecontract(s) forEquipment for Longxi Depot.China InternationalTendering Company(CHINA ITC), for and on behalf of Guangzhou CityCenter TransportProject Office, invites sealed bids from eligiblebidders for thefollowing Equipment.· Package No.1: Lifts of ComplexBuilding·Package No.2: Video Monitor System· Package No.3:Guaranteed Deviceand Non-Standard Repair Platform· Package No.4:General device ofand compressed air system· Package No.5:Trouble-shooting vehicle·Package No.6: fuel filling station·Package No.7: CentralAir-conditioning System· Package No.8:Computerized ManagementSystem· Package No.9: ComputerizedManagement System ofSoftwareBidders may bid for single package or acombination ofpackages at their choice. A bid must be for at leastone completepackage inpuorgto be considered.Bidding will beconducted throughthe international competitive bidding proceduresspecified in theWorld Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurement under IBRDLoans and IDACredits published in January 1995 and revised inJanuary and August1996 and in Septr 1997, January 1999, and is opento all biddersfrom eligible source countries as defined intheGuidelines.Interested eligible bidders may obtainfurtherinformation from the China International Tendering Companyandinspect the bidding documents at the following address: Room511,Genertec Plaza, No. 90 Xi San Huan Zhong Lu, Beijing 100055,China,between 9:30 - 11:30 hours/13:00-15:30 hours until 15 August2005(Beijing Time) (Sundays and holidays excepted).A complete setofBidding Documents in English may be purchased by anyinterestedbidder on the submission of a written application toChinaInternational Tendering Company and upon payment of anonrefundablefee US$ 120 or RMB?1,000. The method of payment willbe cash,cashier抯 check, direct deposit. The document will be sentbymail.Bids must be delivered to the Meeting Room of HotelCanton(address: No.374, Beijing Road, Guangzhou, 510030, China) atorbefore 10:00 hours (Beijing Time) on 15 August 2005. All bidsmustbe accompanied by a bid security of not less than 2% of bidpriceor an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. Latebidswill be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence ofthebidders?representatives who choose to attend at the Meeting RoomofHotel Canton at 10:00 hours (Beijing Time) on 15August2005Eligibility of bidders:A. If an Agent submits bids onbehalf ofmore than one Manufacturer, unless each such bid isaccompanied bya sete Bid Form, and a bid security for each bid, andauthorizationfrom the respective Manufacturer, all such bids willbe rejected asnon-responsive.B. The Bidder shall have experiencesin similarproject more than 2 years. The contracts and acceptancereportshould be provided.C. The Manufacturer shall have more thantwoyears experience in designing and manufacturing similarEquipment.The contracts and acceptance report should be provided.D.The mainequipment manufacturer should have ISO9001 /9002certificate orequivalent.E. The bidder must provide originalprinted samples ofmanufacturer. Any samples printed by computer orphoto copy shallbe rejected.F. The proposed domestic goods musthave theCertificate for China Compulsory Product Certification(3C). As forgoods supplied from outside China, the certificationacceptable tothe Purchaser shall be provided before delivery of thegoods.G. Thebidder should provide the copy of the business licenseor businessregistration certification and letter of referenceissued by abank.H. The manufacturer should have local agents forservicebefore signing contract which could provide directly thesitetechnical supporting and installationContact:Name ofProcurementAgent: China International Tendering Company.Address:GenertecPlaza,No. 90 Xi San Huan Zhong Lu.Fengtai District, Beijing100055,China.Tel: (86-10)-63348281, 63348565.Fax:(86-10)86-10-63373576.E-mail:luwei@itc.genertec.com.cnNoticeNumber:WB1958-659/05



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