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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月08日 15:29 商务部网站

  保加利亚企业求购矿山开采设备、采矿成套设备。具体要求如下:1. SCHEME OFDRESSINGTwo-stagecrushingGrinding200 mesh 60 60 70 70flotationsulphidesulphidebasic, control, 4 purifications in openmaincycle,intermediary products from a control one controlandpurificationsof 3 new purifications 3 purifications. in a closedcycle2. REGIMEOF WORK- Assignment 50 000 tons annually Fluoriteconcentrate – 97% CaF2- At output 33 % necessary ore 150 000 tonsper year withcontents of CaF2 39 %-
Grinding, flotation andfiltration at Кmovement 0,85 (365х24х0,85)→ 7446hrs. or 20 tons./hfor thedepartment (500 t/24hrs.) in a non-stop regimeofwork.-intermediate storage for a period of 3 days and nights →1500 т.-Crushing department: 5 days a week in 2 shifts of 7hours,i..е. 70 hours with 3 500 t. needed imposes an hourproductivityof50t/hour.保加利亚生物制品企业欲向中国转让兽用生物制品生产技术。包括黄霉素、泰勒菌素、盐霉素、超级泰勒菌素、氟苯铌铐、莫能菌素、阿维菌素等。有意请联系:邮件:cn86bg359@yahoo.com电话:00359-885-643705(可用中、英文交流)保加利亚企业欲向中国转让玫瑰油生产技术。并向中国出口铁精粉。有意请联系:电话:00359-2-9363294邮件:eddy_iv@abv.bg保加利亚企业寻求中国空调生产企业的合作。电话:00359-2-96312459631021传真:00359-2-9631033邮件:pavelz2001@yahoo.co.uk保加利亚企业欲进口中国产洗衣机,或与中国企业合作生产。请联系:传真:00359-32-960407邮件:stm@expertbg.com



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