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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月08日 09:56 商务部网站

地100亩,整体园区分为东赤港湖面海乐园、生态旅游园和大型游乐园三大功能区。项目总投资:800万美元,拟利用外资额600万美元;独资、合作、合资均可。经济效益分析:3-5年收回投资前期进展情况:编制初步可行性报告总体完成规划,首期用地在办理中。项目配套政策:享受漳州市政府2003年第44号文件以及相关招商引资优惠政策。NO.9Jinluanharbor amusement parkContract company:Management Committeeofdeveloped region for tourism and economy of DongshanCounty(Address: Dongshan CountyXipu Town)Address of theproject:developedregion for tourism and economy of DongshanCountyLinkman of theproject: Xu Haiyong (Tel:0596-5886997)Necessityof construction andanalysis for the market: In 2003 about 760000tourists came toDongshan to visit, taste sea foods and appreciatethe coast scenes.However, the facilities on the island are verysimple, and thereare no large recreational items. This project willbe built closeto the estuary of East Dong-Chigang, abutting toBaiyi City inDongshan, combining water bodies, hills and slopes inone. Thecommunication facilites here are quite perfect. Aftercompletion,along with Baiyi City in Dongshan, it will be thecomplementaryrecreational area.Construction scale and maincontents:planned areais 100 acres,the whole garden is divided intoVacation garden atDong_Chigang, ecological amusement park and largeamusementpark.Total investments: 8 million US dollars, foreigncapital of 86million US dollars is supposed to be used,and it maybe exclusiveinvestment, cooperation and joint venture.Analysis foreconomicprofits:payoff period is 3-5 years.Progression ofearlyconstruction:preliminary feasibility report has been complied,andgeneral planning has been made, procedures for land for thefirststage use is being treated.Complementary policies fortheproject:favorable policies of the No. 44 document in 2003ofZhangzhou City for investment and bidding will be followed.




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