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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月05日 15:37 商务部网站

  Project Name: Agricultural Products ManufacturingCooperationForm:cooperation, joint ventureUndertaker: Enterprise GeneralCompany ofHongxing Township, Jiguan District, Jixi City,HeilongjiangProvinceLiaison Person: Sun Qi , Cheng MinTel\Fax:0467- 2647845,2395456E-mail: jgqcm@eyou.comPostcode:158100Construction Content:Nuisanceless food includes green corn,coarse cereals, fruit and bigthin pancake etc. will have unifiedtrademark and package; setelyestablishes four selling g
roups atthe villages of Chaoyang, Jixing,Xitai and Hongxing of HongxingTownship. Materials and Market: Inthe township there are 8000 mouof green corn, 10,000 mou of coarsecereals, 7000 mou of fruittrees, among which main varieties are 123and Longguan. Moreover,there are ten big thin pancake manufacturingenterprises, sixcoarse cereals manufacturing enterprises and 5000 m3 of green cornrefrigerator. Construction period is one year. Withthe improvementof peoples living standard, the knowledge aboutnuisanceless foodincreases correspondingly. The nuisanceless foodsproduced by thetownship are greatly favored by the mass of Jixi andnon-nativemerchants. The products are sold far to Beijing, Tianjin,Shenyang,Dalian, Harbin and Guilin etc. and have been evaluatedasnuisanceless food, market prospect is broad.Total Investment:20million Yuan (RMB)Production Value: 40 million Yuan (RMB)Profit:7million Yuan (RMB)




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