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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月04日 18:10 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4545项目名称: 教育部门发展项目国 家: 阿塞拜疆类 属: 咨询服务资金支持: 世界银行摘要:咨询服务贷款/信贷号码: 信贷号:3769-AZ合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-07-04截止日期:2005-07-14项目介绍:This request for expressions ofinterest follows thegeneral procurement notice for this projectthat appeared in UNDevelopment Business No. 636 of July 2004.TheAzerbaijan Republichas received a Credit from the InternationalDevelopmentAssociation (IDA), and intends to apply part
of thecredit proceedsto make payments under contract for the followingfellowshipprograms:· 1. Fellowship on Strategy and Concept ofPre-Service,In-Service Training and Re-Training in EducationSystem;· 2.Fellowship on Development of Curriculum for PrimarySchool Teachers(Pre-Service Teacher Education);· 3. Fellowship ontraining ofmanagement of education personnel.The tive of thefellowshipprograms is to develop skills for the participant fellowbyproviding information, practice and other training activitiesonthe topic of the program.The Project Coordination Unit oftheMinistry of Education now invites eligibleorganizations(institutions or firms) to indicate their interest inorganizingthe above-mentioned fellowship programs. Interestedorganizationsmust provide detailed information indicating that theyarequalified to perform the services (information aboutsimilarassignments, etc.)A fellowship provider will be selectedinaccordance with the procedures set out in the WorldBank抯Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by WorldBankBorrowers, January 1997, Revised Septr 1997, January 1999 andMay2002.Further information may be obtained at the address belowfrom09.00 to 18.00 hours, local time.Expressions of interest mustbedelivered to the address below by July 14,2005.Contact:EducationSector Development Project.ProjectCoordination Unit.The Ministryof Education of the Republic ofAzerbaijan.49 KhataiProspekti.AZ1008, Baku, Azerbaijan.Tel:(994-14) 496-3759,496-3760.Fax: (994-14) 496-3761.E-mail:erustamov@edu.gov.azNoticeNumber:WB1912-658/05



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