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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月04日 16:51 商务部网站

  Project Name: Production Lines of Bean Milk Powder(fourlines)Cooperation Form: joint venture, cooperationUndertakingUnit:Longwei Bean Milk Company Ltd. of Mishan City,HeilongjiangProvince, ChinaLeision Person: CongPeiqingPostalcode:158300Tel\Fax: 0467 — 5223093Approval Stage:approved by EconomyPlanning Committee of HeilongjiangProvince.Construction Content:The building area is 15000 squaremeters, power capacity is 1700KAVand equipments investment is 12million Yuan, and a
nnually produces4800 tons of serial bean milkpowder.Materials and Market: MishanCity produces about 100 thousandtons of soybeans a year, theneighboring cities of Hulin, Baoqing,Jidong and state-operatedfarms plant about 2 million mu of soybeanevery year, so the rawmaterial resources of developing bean milkpowder are veryrich.Anticipated Investment and BenefitAnalysis:Total Investment:27 million Yuan (RMB)Production Value: 60million Yuan (RMB)Profit:4 million Yuan (RMB)Tax: 6 million Yuan(RMB)Payout Time: 6.5years




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