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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月04日 16:51 商务部网站

  Project Name: Development of Goose Down FurProductsCooperationForm: cooperation, joint ventureUndertaker: JixiFushunxiangGrease FactoryLiaison Person: Chen RucaiTel\Fax: ( 0467)5722699\5723888Products of Project: Chief product is goosedownfur, byproducts are goose, goose liver, goose grease, goosebillsand goose bowels.Market of Products: Goose down fur can bemadeinto all sorts of fur garments, as well as be used in the areasofaviation and outfit of war industry. Byprodu
cts can are of foodandmedicine uses.Construction Scale: Annually processing 300,000whitegeese and producing 300,000 sheets of finefurs.AnticipatedInvestment and Benefit Analysis:Total Investment:14.73 million USDollarsProduction Value: 37.74 million Yuan(RMB)Profit: 8.68million Yuan (RMB)Tax: 12.83 million Yuan(RMB)




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