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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月04日 16:51 商务部网站

  Project Name: Feed ProcessingCooperation Form: wholeonsaleUndertaker: Jixi Breed Company of HeilongjiangProvinceLiaisonPerson: Tian JingxinTel\Fax: 0467 — 26701292671806Postcode:158100Construction Content: Annually producing100,000 tons ofbreeds which belong to more than 30 varieties offive series forpig, chick, duck, fish and cattle. Materials andMarket: TheCompany is beside Jixi-Harbin section of 201 NationalHighway andoccupies an area of 24,000 square meters, among wh
ichthe area ofworkshop is 1060 square meters, the area of storeroom is3000square meters and the area of auxiliary buildings includeoffice,diningroom and garage is nearly 10,000 square meters; it hastwoautomatic production lines controlled by computers. Jixi is amainproduction area of crop, which livestock breeding isadvanced,demand of feed is large, and prospect of market isbcenter.TotalInvestment: 5 million Yuan (RMB)Production Value: 20million Yuan(RMB)Profit: 1.5 million Yuan (RMB)




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