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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月04日 16:16 商务部网站

  Project Name: Processing of Pasania FungusCooperationForm:cooperation, joint ventureUndertaker: Dade AgriculturalProductsCompany Ltd of Mishan CityLiaison Person: WangJunzhengTel\Fax:0467-5402037\5402836Postcode: 158300ConstructionContent: Annuallyprocessing 1000 tons of pasania funguses. TheCompany uses nomedicine when producing pasania fungus, and thesucculence ofpasania fungus is crisp and tender with specialfragrance and richnourishment, which is with the characterist
ics ofimproving theimmunity n of flesh, indiredtly restraining the growthof cancercell, antivirus, reducing cholesterin and blood fat,preventinggall-stone and hypertension. Materials and Market: Theproducts,which are highly evaluated in Japanese market, will beexported toJapan totally.Total Investment: 40 million Yuan(RMB)ProductionValue: 18 million Yuan (RMB)Profit: 4.8 million Yuan(RMB)Tax: 2million Yuan (RMB)




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