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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日 11:14 北京大学中国经济研究中心



  时间:2005年7月1日 18:30-20:30


  主讲人:Brendan Smith



  Brendan Smith,爱尔兰人,哈佛大学博士后,伦敦政治经济学院史上最年青的博士,英,美,中三国学习及教育经历

  Brendan Patrick Gerard Smith

  Irish, Born – 5th October 1975

  Other Languages – Mandarin, French & Irish


  2000: Post-PhD, European Union (EU) Immigration, Asylum Law

  and Policy

  Center for European Studies, Harvard University, USA

  1999: PhD International Relations – Treaty Making in the EU

  London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE), UK

  1996: MSc European Studies (European Union Law and Policy)

  London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE), UK

  1995: BA Law with Political Science & Sociology

  National University of Ireland – Galway, Ireland


  2003 – Present Research & Project Development Division, LSE

  Responsible for the development and delivery of the School’s strategy on mainland China – strategic partnership development with lead Chinese universities and research institutions, management of research and training projects, management of LSE extensive relations with government agencies, and development of the large expatriate and Chinese alumni on mainland China.

  Sept 2000 – Sept 2002 Visiting Professor of International Relations,

  Foreign Affairs College, Foreign Ministry of PR China

  Lectured to future and serving Chinese and foreign diplomats on four courses – 1) American Foreign Policy, 2) Foreign Policy of the Powers, 3) EU Foreign Policy, 4) International Relations.

  Sept 1999 – June 2000 Instructor, Government Department, Harvard University, USA

  Chaired seminars and tutorials, lectured and assisted in the management of a core course titled, The Development of the Modern State.

  Jan 1998 – June 1999 Lecturer, Regents/European Business School, London, UK

  Lectured to undergraduate business students on Introduction

  to Political Science, Sociology of Organisations, and

  Introduction to International Relations.

  Sept. 1997 – Sept. 1999 Research Officer, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., London

  Part of team (3 people) involved in the editing and publishing of economics and econometrics reference books.

  Oct. 1995 – July 1999 Editorial Assistant, International Bibliography of Social Sciences, London www.lse.ac.uk/IBSS

  Part of the team, which maintained the IBSS on-line archiving system.

  In charge of initial data collection and the data entry operations.

  May – Oct. 1995 Legal Trainee, Harry P. Hunt & Co., Law Firm, Cavan, Ireland

  Researched on statutory regulations and case-law for specific cases for senior partners in the areas of criminal, personal injuries and family law. Also prepared legal briefs for District, Circuit and High Courts.


  Member of LSE China Alumni Club (Beijing Chapter)

  Member, Irish Network in China

  Member, Sino-French Center for Humanities and Social Sciences


  Brendan Smith, Constitution Building in the European Union: The Process of Treaty Reforms, Kluwer Law International, 2nd Edition, forthcoming 2006.

  Brendan Smith, ‘Beijing’s Response to SARS’, Irish Times, May 2003

  Brendan Smith & William Wallace, ‘Constitutional Deficits of EU Justice and Home Affairs: Democracy, Transparency and Judicial Control’ in The European Union after the Treaty of Amsterdam, Continuum, 2001, ISBN 0826447694

  Brendan Smith, Constitution Building in the European Union: The Process of Treaty Reforms, Kluwer Law International, 2001, ISBN 90-411-1695-8.

  Brendan Smith, ‘The IGC Process’, in Constitutionalism in Europe & China, 2001 (Published in Chinese)

  Brendan Smith, ‘Concern in West on China’, Sunday Business Post, 20 May 2001

  Brendan Smith, ‘Spy Plane Crisis highlight China’s Political Puzzle’, Sunday Business Post, 15 April 2001

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