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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日 09:47 商务部网站

  中国(河南)新乡对外合作项目XINXIANG FOREIGN INVESTMENT PROJECT,HENAN,CHINA河南新乡会议展览中心项目名称:河南新乡会议展览中心项目概况:该会展中心规划在新乡市“一区两翼”城市发展构想中的南翼――新乡高新西区的中心地带。项目占地36万平方米,设计建筑面积2.6万平方米,设有国际室内标准展位400个,室外标准展位600个,是一座集展览、博览、会议、商贸、信息、金融证券为一体的现代化会展场所。该项目由主楼、辅楼(2座)、多功能展厅(2座)及广场、草坪等组成。其中,主楼建筑面积1.2万平方米,共十

一层,投资4500万元。其主要功能有商务、证券、新闻发布、信息交易、综合管理等;辅楼建筑面积5200平方米,投资520万元。主要为会展提供商务住配套;多功能厅建筑面积9000平方米,投资1300万元。分东厅、西厅。东厅主要功能为会议厅、餐厅,西厅主要多功能是展览,共有3×3米国际标准展位400个;北广场面积11600平方米,主要功能是室外展览,共有室外标准展位600个;南广场为主广场,面积46800平方米,综合运用声、光、水、雕塑、花坛等手段营造现代化大型广场。主要供集会、庆典、休闲等;南北广场总投资1800万元。会展中心草坪面积133000平方米,投资260万元。另有建设用地投资5600万元,该项目建成后预计年总收益1300万元,投资回收期13年。合作方式:独资开发、合作开发承办单位:新乡高新技术产业开发区西区管委会项目联系人:吴法明杨俊学联系电话:0373-5596599传真:0373-5590045邮编:453731河南省新乡县对外贸易经济合作局电话:0373-5085968传真:0373-5085968地址:河南省新乡市南干道57号邮编:453003网址:WWW.zybd.cnXINXIANGFOREIGNINVESTMENT PROJECT,HENAN,CHINAThe meeting exhibitioncenterIn HenanXinxiangDetion of the Proposed Project :The meetingcenter isplanning at southern part of Xinxiang city , that isXinxiangNew--Hi--Tech Zone West Section . The Project covers360000 squaremeters , building area is 26000 square meters .Having 400 ofstandard exhibition bit of international indoor and600 of outdoor .The project is made of main building , 2 assistingbuildings , 2multi-nal halls , square and lawn etc .The area ofmain building is12000 square meters , 11 flours , investment RMB45 million . Itsmajor merit can be commercial affairs , negotiablesecurities , newsissue , information change and the management etc.The area ofassisting building is 5200 square meters , investmentRMB 5.2million . Chiefly providing a complete system housingsforcommercial . The area of multi-nal hall is 9000 square meters,investment RMB 13 million . It divided Eastern hall andWesternhall . The main Merit of Eastern hall can be meeting halldinninghall , Western can be multi-nal exhibition hall .gnivah400of 3×3standard exhibition bit of international indoor . The areaofNorthern square is 11600 square meters , mainly forexhibitionoutdoor ,gnivah600 of standard exhibition bit ofinternationaloutdoor . The ares of main square covers 46800 squaremeters . Thetotal investment is RMB 18 million . The center lawncovers 133000square meters , investment RMB 2.6 million . There isanotherinvestment for construction RMB 56 million . After completed, theannual income is RMB 13 million , refunding period is 13years.Forms for cooperation : Cooperative ,SoleProprietorshipUndertaken by :Xinxiang New--Hi--Tech ZoneWestSection CommitteeProject Manager :Wu Faming , Yang JunxueTEL:0373--5596599FAX : 0373--5590045P.C. : 453731HENAN XINXIANGCOUNTYFOREIGH TRADE AND ECONOMIC COOPERATIONBUREAUTel.:0373-5085968Fax:0373-5085968Add.:NO.57 NANGANROAD,XINXIANG CITY,HENANPROVINCEP.C.:453003 WebSite:WWW.zybd.cn




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