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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日 08:45 商务部网站

  中国(河南)新乡对外合作项目XINXIANG FOREIGN INVESTMENT PROJECT,HENAN,CHINA“欣复康”产品高科技加工项目简介项目名称:“欣复康”产品高科技加工项目项目概况:欣复康(活血通脉胶囊)是用天然动物类中药材水蛭经科学加工而成的抗动脉硬化、降血脂的纯中药制剂,被列为国家中药保护品种,国家基本药物目录和国家基本医疗保险药物目录品种。其主要用于治疗高脂血性冠心病、心绞痛、缺血性脑血栓。该药品的显著疗效,已使其成为全国医药市场治疗心脑血管病的主导品牌,特别是在北京、上海、沈阳等全国各大城市

,都有非常好的市场,发展前景非常广阔。项目总投资:1000万元合作方式:股份合作承办单位:新乡恒久药业有限公司承办单位概况:新乡恒久远药业有限公司是2003年设立的一家集研发、生产、销售于一体的高科技股份制医药企业,公司坐落于河南新乡高新技术产业开发区西区,占地面积160亩,拥有固定资产3000万元,现有职工600名,其中各类专业技术人员200名。公司现有12类135个品种(规格),外用制剂车间已通过GMP认证验收,其它车间正在准备GMP认证验收。项目联系人:张泽桥高树崇联系电话:0373-5589199传真:0373-5589099邮编:453731河南省新乡县对外贸易经济合作局电话:0373-5085968传真:0373-5085968地址:河南省新乡市南干道57号邮编:453003网址:WWW.zybd.cnXINXIANGFOREIGNINVESTMENT PROJECT,HENAN,CHINAHigh science and technologyprocessof Xin Fu Kang drugDetion of the Proposed Project : Thecapsulecan invigorate pulse and dredge the blood for circulation .It isprocess with the Chinese medicine material of natural animalLeech .The drug can resiste arteriosclerosis . The pure Chinesemedicinelisted in breed of the Chinese medicine protection , andlisted inthe catalogue of basic pharmaceuticals in state . It ischiefly usedto cure coronary heart disease , angina pectories andhemiplegia .As the good effect of this drug , it became theleading drug ofheart and brain blood vessel disease in the wholenation medicinemarket , especially in Beijing , Shanghai ,Shenyang etc . Themarket is broad .Total investment for theproject : RMB 10millionForms for cooperation :joint--ventureUndertaken by :Xinxiang Heng Jiu Yuan MedisionLimited Company .Detion of theUndertaken unit : Xinxiang Heng JiuYuan Medision Limited Company isestablished in 2003 . It is a highscience and technology stockmedicine enterprise with research ,product and sale .The company islocated in Henan XinxiangNew--Hi--Tech Zone West Section , itcovers 160 Mu , total fixedcapital is RMB 30 million , 600 staff ,including varietytechnicians 200 people . At present the companyhas 12 kinds 135specifications . The external using pretionworkshop has beenpassed the GMP legalizeing checking , another arepreparing.Project Manager : Zhang Zeqiao , Gao ShucongTEL :0373--5589199FAX: 0373--5589099P.C. : 453731HENAN XINXIANG COUNTYFOREIGH TRADE ANDECONOMICCOOPERATIONBUREAUTel.:0373-5085968Fax:0373-5085968Add.:NO.57NANGANROAD,XINXIANG CITY,HENAN PROVINCEP.C.:453003WebSite:WWW.zybd.cn




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