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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月29日 18:46 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4526项目名称: 土地管理和经营项目国 家: 柬埔寨类 属: 咨询服务资金支持: 世界银行摘要:咨询服务贷款/信贷号码:合同/投标号码:发布日期: 2005-06-29截止日期:2005-07-26项目介绍:Thisrequest for expressions of interest follows thegeneral procurementthat appeared in UN Development Business No. 638of 16 Septr2004.The Ministry of Land Management, Urban PlanningandConstruction (MLMUPC) of the Royal Government of Cambodiahasreceived a credit from the International Develo
pmentAssociation(IDA) toward the cost of the Land Management andAdministrationProject (LMAP ?the client) and technical assistancegrants from thegovernments of Germany, Finland and Canada. The LMAPnow intends toapply a portion of the grant received from Canada(CIDA TF53043) toeligible payments under this contract.LMAP nowinvites expressionsof interest (EOI) to provide requisite servicesfrom eligible andinterested Non-government Organizations (NGOs)/LawFirms coveringeach of the 5 provinces listed below and in the Termsof Reference.The tives of the Legal Assistance in CadastralCommission CasesProject are to: (a) provide competent and timelylegal assistanceto qualified clients who are involved in landdisputes handled bythe Cadastral Commission; (b) Facilitate andassist the clients,upon successful resolution of cases, to take allrelevant stepstoward acquisition of land titles; (c) build thecapacity ofclients in handling and managing their own land disputeconcerns;(d) develop and establish good working relationships withtheCadastral Commission (CC) and other government agencies involvedinthe resolution of land dispute cases; and (e) provide tivereportsfor the attention of and action by the proper authorities intheCC. The Legal Assistance in Cadastral Commission Cases Projectwillalso contribute to the development of a best practice modelforland dispute resolution in general and empowerment of the poorandvulnerable for a fair and just system inpuorgto bettersecuretheir land centers and land tenures. More details on theservices tobe provided are described in the attached Terms ofReference (ToR),a copy of which can be obtained fromLMAP.Interested NGOs/Law Firmsare invited to submit Expressions ofInterest to provide theconsulting services as specified above andin the Terms ofReference (ToR). Also, interested NGOs/Law Firmsmust provideinformation indicating that they are qualified toperform theservices (brochures and/-or organizational profiles;detions withevidence of providing similar legal assistanceelsewhere; evidenceof work experience in legal and centersadvocacy, communitydevelopment, poverty reduction programs, landissues and landdispute resolution; evidence of work experience inthe provincespreferred by the NGO/Law Firm; availability ofappropriate skillsamong staff in the key areas of assignment foreach of thepreferred provinces etc). NGOs/Law Firms may associatewith eachother to enhance their qualifications.It is important thattheNGOs/law firms should clearly indicate in which province(s)theywish to work in their Expressions of Interest. The names ofthefive provinces in which this project will take place areKampongSpeu, Kampong Cham, Battambang, Siem Reap and Kamot. TheinterestedNGO/law firm must express its preference concerningprovinces withranking of the provinceserehwthey want to providethe requiredconsulting ser-vices, as specified in the tableattached to theTOR. LMAP reserves the center to reject anyExpressions of Interestthat do not include the list of preferredprovinces. A fullproposal is not required at this stage ofexpression ofinterest.Short-listing and the final selection ofconsultants forthe services of the five provinces will be carriedout inaccordance with the procedures set out in the WorldBank’sGuidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by WorldBankBorrowers, January 1997 (revised Septr 1997, January 1999 andMay2002).Interested NGOs/firms may obtain further information andacopy of the detailed ToR, free-of-cost, from LMAP, at theaddressbelow during normal working hours. A soft copy of the TORcan bealso obtained by e-mail, by requesting at the addressgivenbelow.The overall duration of these services will be twoyears. Thecontract will be made on a yearly basis. Extension of thecontractwill be subject to satisfactory performance during thepreviousyear.Completed expressions of interest with allrequiredinformation must be delivered to the address below no laterthan1500 hours on 26 July 2005.Contact:Procurement Unit.LandManagementand Administration Project (LMAP).Ministry of LandManagement UrbanPlanning and Construction.No. 771-773, MonivongBlvd.Phnom Penh,Cambodia.Tel: (855-23) 994-139.Fax: (855-23)211-354.E-mail:lmap@camnet.com.khNotice Number:WB1871-658/05



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