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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月29日 18:46 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4527项目名称: 农村投资和地方管理项目国 家: 柬埔寨类 属: 咨询服务资金支持: 世界银行摘要:咨询服务贷款/信贷号码: 信贷号:3747-KH合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-06-29截止日期:2005-07-07项目介绍:The Royal Government of Cambodia(RGC) has receiveda credit from the International DevelopmentAssociation for supportof the Rural Investment and Local GovernanceProject (RILGP).RGCintends to apply a portion of the funds tofinance a Mid-TermReview (MTR) of RILGP. The MTR is
scheduled for aperiod of sixweeks during Septr-October 2005. It is envisaged thatthe MTR willbe carried out by a team consisting of (a) a Teamleader withexpertise in decentralization, including fiscaldecentralization (6person-weeks); (b) a rural engineer (3 weeks); asocial scientist(3 weeks); an economist (2 weeks), and a localconsultant withrelevant qualifications and familiarity with theinstitutions andprogram components of decentralization reforms inCambodia (3weeks).The composition of the team may vary providedthat the teammrs possess expertise in all the required disciplines.Reportingwill be in English and Khmer.RGC wishes to receiveexpressions ofinterest (EoI) from local or international consultingcompanies.EoI should be submitted in electronic or hard copy to theaddressbelow not later than 7 July 2005.Selection will be by theSelectionBased on Consultant抯 Qualifications (SBCQ) procedure.Detailedterms of reference and additional information can beobtained freeof charge from the STFS website (www.seila.gov.kh) orfrom theaddress below.Contact:Attn: Mr. Keang Sthavuth.Seila TaskForceSecretariat.Building 揈?Council for the DevlopmentofCambodia.Sisowath Quay.Phnom Penh, Cambodia.Telephone 0 (855)23362 175 .E-mailrecruitment@seila.gov.khNoticeNumber:WB1864-658/05



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