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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月29日 18:46 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4524项目名称: 首都城市交通项目国 家: 尼日利亚类 属: 咨询服务资金支持: 世界银行摘要:水上运输咨询贷款/信贷号码: 信贷号:3720-UNI合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-06-29截止日期:2005-07-07项目介绍:This request for expressions ofinterest follows theupdated general procurement notice for thisproject that appearedin UN Development Business No. 655 of 31 May2005.The Lagos StateGovernment through the Federal Republic ofNigeria has received acredit from the Internationa
l DevelopmentAssociation (IDA) for theLagos Urban Transport Project, and intendsto apply part of theproceeds of this project to cover eligiblepayments under thecontract for:· Water Transport StudiesWatertransport is an underutilized mode in Lagos, it carries less thanone percent of theoverall traffic in Lagos, but its also the onlymeans of transportavailable to some communities. Previous studiesshow that theexisting services are very limited within the formalsector andhighly fragmented within the informal sector.Watertransportationin the Metropolitan Lagos could be a sustainablebusiness if wellstructured with the center strategy. The demand forfast, safe,efficient, and cheaper transportation alternative inLagos in hugeand water transportation could play a key role inrealizing thistive.The Lagos State Government has thereforeembarked on anambitious program of policy reforms and investmentsto promote andfacilitate the provision of water transport aimed atrealizing itspotential to becoming an attractive mode of transportwithin anintegrated urban transport system in Lagos.The tive of thestudiesare to examine improvements and measures for communitiesdependenton water transport and to ascertain the viability ofpotentialcommuter routes in the Lagos Metropolitan Area byidentifying theexisting and potential waterways for the provisionof transportservices, assess their existing and potentialutilization, anddevelop institutional framework and procurementstrategy necessaryto procure and operate routes deemed viable,determine thetechnical, economic and financial feasibility ofinvestments to beimplemented.LAMATA now invites eligible consultingfirms to expresstheir interest in providing the above services.Interestedconsultants must provide information indicatingtheirqualifications for performing the services. The expressionofinterest should clearly indicate the legal status of the firm,theexperience of the consultant on similar assignments over thepastfive years and availability of competent staffs for theassignment.For each project performed the consultant shall providethe nameand address of the client, date(s) of execution, name(s) ofleadand associate firms and financing sources. Firms may associatetoenhance skills and qualifications.After evaluation oftheexpressions of interest, specific short lists will be preparedandonly those short-listed firms will be invited to submitproposalsbased on the specific terms of reference for theassignment.Consultants will be selected in accordance with theWorldBank抯Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants byWorldBank Borrowers, January 1997, revised Septr 1997, January 1999andMay 2002.Interested consultants may obtain further informationatthe address below from 0800 to 1700 hours, MondaythroughFriday.Expression of interest must be delivered to theaddressbelow by Thursday, 7 July 2005 at 1700 hours.Contact:TheManagingDirector.LAMATA.Lagos Metropolitan Area TransportAuthority.BlockC, 2nd floor, Motorways Centre, 1, MotorwaysAve.Alausa, Ikeja,Lagos State, Nigeria.Tel: (1-234) 270-2778/82.Fax: (1-234)270-2783.E-mail:advert@lamata-ng.comNoticeNumber:WB1882-658/05



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