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黑龙江省鸡西市年产 10万吨玉米酒精生产线(英文)

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月29日 15:51 商务部网站

  Project Name: Production Line of Annually Producing 100,000Tonsof Corn AlcoholCooperation Method: cooperation, joint ventureorexclusive investmentUndertaker: Mishan EconomyPlanningBureauApproval Condition: primary stage workLiaison Person:ZhouJinghuaPostcode: 158300Tel\Fax:0467-522374913836586555Construction Content : Corn alcohol isabstracted fromcorn through deep-processing by means of physicaland chemicaltechniques and fermentation engineering. Alcohol is thebasicmater
ial of beverage, wine and chemicals etc. Plan todevelopalcohol and its byproducts with high economic value andlargemarket demand.Market and Material: Mishan is an importantgrainbase of the country and annually producing 1.2 million tonsofgrain (neighboring areas included), which can meetproductiondemand. In recent years, America, Brazil and China havebegun theresearch and test to substitute part of gasoline as fuelwithalcohol because of energy crisis, and effect is perfect, somarketprospect is broad.Anticipated Investment and BenefitAnalysis:TotalInvestment: 180 millio n Yuan (RMB)Profit: 38.08million Yuan(RMB)Tax: 38.86 million Yuan (RMB)




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