Project Name: Construction of Freeze-dried AcanthopanaxPowderSpasmolytic Production LineCooperation Pattern: cooperation,jointventureUndertaker: Heilongjiang Wusulijiang PharmaceuticalCompanyLtd.Liaison Person: Wang ShuguiTel\Fax:0467-582488813904676069Construction Content : In accordance withGMPauthentication standard, the Company plans to newly build11045square meters of freeze-dried powder spasmolytic workshop,whichwill be dividedotnifour production modules. Inlornox
icamfreeze-dried powder spasmolytic production zone, we plantoconstruct three new production lines which can annually produce60million bottles of freeze-dried powder spasmolytic; incarboplatinliposome freeze-dried powder spasmolytic productionzone, we planto construct one production line which can annuallyproduce 10million bottles of freeze-dried powder spasmolytic; infreeze-driedacanthopanax powder spasmolytic production zone, planto constructtwo production lines which can produce 30 millionbottles offreeze-dried powder spasmolytic; the last module is thereservedarea of new product development.Products Market: Theproducts oflornoxicam freeze-dried powder spasmolytic, carboplatinliposomefreeze-dried powder spasmolytic and freeze-driedacanthopanaxpowder spasmolytic all have their independentintellectual propertycenters and enjoy five-year term ofprotection, no other enterprisehas the center to produce theseproducts during the term , so marketprospect is veryconsiderable.Anticipated Investment and BenefitAnalysis:TotalInvestment: 103.1 million Yuan (RMB)Profit: 94.19million Yuan(RMB)Tax: 132.24 million Yuan (RMB)