项目编号: GJZB_NO.4501项目名称: 烟台市综合气化项目国 家: 中国类 属: 资源及能源贷款总额:(单位:百万美元)发布日期: 2005-06-24 工程类别:项目介绍:进展阶段:Project pretionwasdelayed due to procurement matters that were not yet approvedbythe government.详细介绍:The tive of the project is to developalong-term strategy to gradually achieve zero-C02 emissionsfromcoal-fired power generation by constructing,commissioning,operating, demonstrating and replicating agreen-field 300-400
MWIGCC plant at Yantai, Shandong Province.Project pretion wasdelayed due to procurement matters that were notyet approved bythe government. Environmental Assessment Category:EnvironmentalAssessment Category A. PID: 71439. US$ US$15.0-18.0(GEF).Consulting services to be determined. State Grid CorporationofChina86 Xi Chang’an Ave., Beijing, China, Contact: Mr. LuJianping,Deputy Director General, Investment and Financing. Fax:(86-10)6659-8592