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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月22日 17:50 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4487项目名称: 环境改善发展项目国 家: 冈比亚类 属: 咨询服务资金支持: 世界银行摘要:咨询服务贷款/信贷号码:合同/投标号码:发布日期: 2005-06-22截止日期: 2005-07-15项目介绍:TheEnergyDepartment, Office of the President in The Gambia, hasreceivedfinancing from the World Bank toward the cost of theClimate ChangeProject Development Program, and intends to applypart of theproceeds for consultant services. The purpose of theproject is todevelop carbon-bankable projec
ts in Gambia’s renewableenergysector. Based on actual pilot projects combined withanalysis, theprogram aims at developing generic and cost effectiveapproaches tobundling small projects in The Gambia for potentialreplication inWest Africa.The requested consultant services includetheDevelopment of Carbon Project Options, which would involvetheanalysis of technical and financial viability of thefollowingcarbon finance projects options: (i) landfill gas plantfor powergeneration at the new waste site of Tambama in the GreaterBanjulArea; (ii) bio-energy-fueled power plant; (iii) solar waterheatersystem; (iv) reforestation through sustainable forestrymanagementand analysis of capacity for CO2 uptake; (v) variousbio-energyoptions for rural areas. Inpuorgto gather anddisseminateinformation and build local capacity, a monitoring,assessment andverification protocol is to be developed. Theestimated duration ofthe activity is 10 to 15 months. It wouldinclude both reportwriting and workshops.The Energy Department,Office of thePresident now invites eligible consultants(international and/ornational) to indicate their interest inproviding the services.Interested consultants must provideinformation indicating thatthey are qualified to perform theservices (brochures, detion ofsimilar assignments, experience insimilar activities, availabilityof appropriate skills among staff,etc.). Consultants may associateto enhance their qualifications.Aconsultant will be selected inaccordance with the procedures setout in the World Bank抯Guidelines: Selection and Employment ofConsultants by World BankBorrowers, May 2004.Interested consultantsmay obtain furtherinformation at the address below during officehours 0(800 to 1600hours), Monday through Thursday.Expressions ofinterest must bedelivered to the address below by 15 July2005.Contact:Departmentof Energy.Attn: Bah F M Saho, Director ofEnergy.Office of thePresident.State House, Banjul, The Gambia.Tel:(220) 420-0050.Fax:(220) 420-0050, 422-3718.E-mail:predas@gamtel.gmNoticeNumber:WB1831-658/05



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