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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月22日 17:50 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4485项目名称: 财政制度发展项目国 家: 坦桑尼亚类 属: 咨询服务资金支持: 世界银行摘要:公共教育活动贷款/信贷号码: 信贷号:3279-TA合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-06-22截止日期:2005-07-15项目介绍:This request for expressions ofinterest follows thegeneral procurement notice that appeared in UNDevelopment BusinessNo. 622 of 16 January 2004.The Government ofTanzania has receiveda credit from the International DevelopmentAssociation n(IDA)toward the cost of the Second
FinancialInstitutions DevelopmentProject (FIDP II). It is intended that partof the credit proceedsbe applied to eligible payments under theconsulting contract fordeveloping and producing audio, video andprinted public educationprograms for the Capital Markets andSecurities Authority.The maintive of this consultancy assignment isto develop and producepublic education programs that seek to createawareness of capitalmarkets activities and procedures in Tanzaniainpuorgto earnpolitical commitment and influence positive policydevelopment withthe view to mobilizing financial resources forinvestment throughincreased savings and public participation incapital markets.Accordingly the consultancy will, among otherthings, cover thefollowing:· Development of several printed readingmaterials·Development and production of several TV programs·Development andproduction of several radio programsThe CapitalMarkets andSecurities Authority (the client) now invites eligibleconsultantsto express their interest in providing the services.Interestedconsultants must provide information indicating theirprofessionalcapability to undertake the project. Such informationmay includebrochures, detion of similar assignment, experience insimilarconditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff,etc.Ashort list of consultants (firms) will be prepared on thebasis ofexpressions of interest submitted to CMSA in writing. Shortlistedfirms will be provided with the full copy of the requestforproposal (RFP) and invited to submit a proposal.The selection ofaconsultant will be in accordance with procedures set out bytheWorld Bank抯 Guidelines: Selection and Employment of ConsultantsbyWorld Bank Borrowers, May 2004. The selected firm is expectedtoconduct the study between Septr and Decr2005.Interestedconsultants may obtain further information at theaddress belowbetween 0830 and 1700 hours, Monday through Friday,exclusive ofpublic holidays, before the deadline for the submissionofexpression of interest.Expressions of interest in writingwithcorporate capability statement should be sent to the addressbelowby 1600 hours (local time) on 15 July 2005.Contact:Attn:ChiefExecutive Officer.Capital Markets and SecuritiesAuthority.PhysicalAddress: 6th Floor, P.P.F Tower.Ohio /GardenAve.Postal Address: POBox 75713.Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.Tel:(255-22) 211-4959,211-4961.Fax: (255-22)211-3846.E-mail:cap-markets@cats-net.comNoticeNumber:WB1835-658/05



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