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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月21日 17:38 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4475项目名称: 健康系统现代化项目国 家: 亚美尼亚类 属: 咨询服务资金支持: 世界银行摘要:咨询服务贷款/信贷号码:合同/投标号码:发布日期: 2005-06-21截止日期:2004-06-27项目介绍:Thisrequest for expressions of interest follows thegeneral procurementnotice that appeared in UN Development BusinessNo. 642 of 16 Novr2004.The Republic of Armenia has received a grantfrom theInternational Development Association (IDA), and intends toapplypart of the grant proceeds to mak
e payments under the contractforthe strengthening of owner oversight.The tive of the assignmentisto strengthen the current system of HospitalsSupervisoryCommittees to perform its regulatory and oversightns.(i) Analyzethe current public hospital governance system andprovide with thestrategy for strengthening of the current system ofgovernancetoward the eventual introduction of hospital boardgovernance(ii)Develop public hospitals regulatory and oversightframework(iii)Develop key governance and supervisioninstruments(iv) Develop, incollaboration with the local expertavailable under the assignment,the draft formal written code ofgovernance and mandatoryreportingThe 揌ealth Project ImplementationUnit?SA now inviteseligible individual consultants to indicatetheir interest inproviding the services. Interested individualconsultants mustprovide information indicating that they arequalified to performthe services, their relevant experience in thefield of assignment(detion of similar assignments, experience insimilar conditions,availability of appropriate skills, etc.).Aconsultant will beselected in accordance with the procedures setout in the WorldBank抯 Guidelines: Selection and Employment ofConsultants by WorldBank Borrowers, current edition.Interestedconsultants may obtainfurther information at the address below from1000 to 1700 hours(GMT+4:00), Monday to Friday.Expressions ofinterest must bedelivered to the address below by 27 June2005.Contact:HealthProject Implementation Unit.Attn: Mr. NarekYervandyan, ProcurementOfficer.2 Acharyan St., Avan.Yerevan 375040Armenia.Tel: (374-1)622-310, 622-148.Fax: (374-1)622-334.E-mail:hpiu@arminco.comNotice Number:WB1806-657/05



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