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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月20日 17:42 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.3987项目名称: 农村信息系统现代化项目国 家: 罗马尼亚发布日期:2005-03-22截止日期:2010-09-30项目介绍:Sector:AgricultureDate Approved:16Novr 2004TotalCost:US$ 72.25 millionMain Financing Source:IBRD (US$50.23million)Additional Financing: Not availableCompletion Date:30Septr2010Implementing Agencies:Not availabletives andDetion:TheModernizing Agricultural Knowledge and InformationSystems Projectfor Romania will contribute to the productivity andqualityincreas
es of agro-food products, the modernization andtheimprovement of food processing and marketing chains as wellasincrease of agricultural producers’ income and thesustainabledevelopment of rural areas. The project has thefollowing fourcomponents: Component (1) will strengthen theNational Authorityfor Sanitary, Veterinary and Food Safety (ANSVSA)andPhyto-sanitary units so that they are better able to (i)implementthe new food safety regulations adopted by Romania incompliancewith EU accession requirements; and (ii) provide thenecessarycontrol and verification of fresh and processed productsto enablefarmers, ago-industry and food processors to supply localandinternational markets. Component (2) will strengthen thecapacityof the national agricultural research system (NARS) toprovideagricultural knowledge, skills and information to farmersandagro-processors based on the needs of the agro-food sub-sectorandin line with the EU requirements. Component (3) willprovidesupport for advisory and information systems. Component (4)willprovide for project co-ordination and administration,procurement,financial management, reporting, monitoring andevaluationactivities for all components.Procurement:Works: Worksprocuredunder this project would include: Civil works at two-threeBorderInspection Posts, rehabilitation works, new buildingsconstruction.The procurement will be done using the Bank’s StandardBiddingDocuments (SBD) for all ICB and appropriate standardbiddingdocuments for NCB, which shall contain draft contractandconditions of contract acceptable to the Bank.Goods: Goodsprocuredunder this project would include: Two integrated IT systems(onefor ANSVSA and its local structures and one for the TrainingandInformation Centers), laboratory and research equipmentandconsumables, computers, office equipment and furniture,vehicles.The procurement will be done using Bank’s SBD for all ICBandappropriate standard bidding documents for NCB which shallcontaindraft contract and conditions of contract acceptable totheBank.Selection of Consultants and Training Providers: Theprojectwill finance local and international consultants, bothindividualand companies, for all the four components of the project- (i)Strengthening the National Authority for Sanitary, VeterinaryandFood Safety and Phy-sanitary Units, (ii) Support forAgriculturalResearch, (iii) Support for Advisory and InformationSystems and(iv) Project Management Unit. Short lists of consultantsforservices estimated to cost less than US$ 200,000 equivalentpercontract may be composed entirely of national consultantsinaccordance with the provisions of graph 2.7 of theConsultantGuidelines. The project will also provide finds for localandinternational training under the four project components.SingleSource Selection: Under component (1) of the Project-Strengthening the National Authority for Sanitary, VeterinaryandFood Safety (ANSVA) and the Phyto-sanitary Units, theGovernmentwill contract the Pasteur Institute on a single sourceselectionbasis to carry out a program for Animal Welfare inlivestockproduction to demonstrate EU requirements. Towards thisthe projectwill develop a Demonstration and Training Facility.Under Component(3) -Support of Advisory and Information Systems theproject wouldsupport the setting up of Training and InformationCenters ascenters of knowledge and information at four AgriculturalandVeterinary Universities (Bucharest, Iasi, Timisoara, Cluj) toserveas a knowledge resource base, accreditation and trainingcenter fortrainers in all EU directives as well as newagriculturaltechnologies. Contracts will be signed on a singlesource selectionbasis with the Agricultural and VeterinaryUniversities inBucharest, Iasi, Timisoara, Cluj. Bucharest woulddevelop capacitymainly for EU accession related matters, while theagriculturaluniversities at Cluj, Iasi and Timisoara, will work onagriculturaltechnologies specific to their ago-ecological zones.OperationalCosts: The project will provide funds for coveringoperationalcosts of the PMU, ANSVSA (for the implementation of theComponentl), NCA (for the implementation of part of the Component3), CGSUnit of MAFRD, and of the research institutes. Operatingcosts tobe financed by the project would be procured using theimplementingagency’s administrative procedures that were reviewedand foundacceptable to the Bank. Operational costs incurred by theresearchinstitutes up to US$ 10,000 will be done by the institutesand thenreimbursed from the PMU. Training study tours: Training andstudytours will be carried out according to training plan andstudytours plan that will be prepared by the agencies annuallyandsubmitted to IBRD for no-tion prior to implementation.Theinstitutions for training and for study tours will be selectedonthe basis of an analysis of the most suitable program oftrainingoffered by the institutions, availability of services,period oftraining and reasonableness of the cost. Others: Theproject willprovide funds for Competitive Grant Scheme under theSupport forAgricultural Research component according to theoperationalmanual.



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