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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月17日 23:22 商务部网站

取项目为国内先进水平,胃病新药为国家级新药。年新增销售收入1800万美元、利税120万美元。七、合作方式合资。八、联系方式联系地址:曲阜市春秋路1号邮政编码:273100联系人:陈志伟联系电话:0086-537-4498326传真:0086-537-4498325电子邮箱:weijessie@sohu.comTCMextractions and healthcare products of Shandong ShengwangPharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (totalinvestment 14 million USD)1. ProjectnameTCM extractions and healthcare products2. Brief introduction tothe project unitWith 120million yuan of total asset and 11.04million yuan of registeredcapital, Shandong ShengwangPharmaceutical Co., Ltd. mainly dealswith animal drug, fodder,stevia rebausianum, herb extracts, andhealth foods.3. Projectcontents and construction scaleThe projectincludes 200 tons of herbextracts, 500 tons of hydrochloricmelbine and new tummy bug drugs,stevia rebaudianum series healthfoods, gingko and tinder agariccapsules, etc. The project covers108 mu of land with 30,000 squaremeters of floor area.4.Construction conditionsLocated in theIndustrial Park of Qufu City,the project can now be started withits infrastructure constructionalready completed.5. Total projectinvestment and fundresourcesTotal investment is USD 14 million .6.Market andfinancial benefit analysis and forecastHerb extractionproject isof advanced level in China and the tummy bug drugs arestate-levelnew medicine. After completion of the project, it isexpected torealize an annual sales income of USD 18 million yuanwith a taxand profit of USD 1.2 million yuan.7. CooperationformJointventure8. Means of contactAdd:Chunqiu Rd 1#,QufuCityPostcode:273100Contact:ChenZhiweiTel:+86-537-4498326Fax:+86-537-4498325Email:weijessie@sohu.com(信息来源:济宁市地方商务之窗)



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