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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月17日 23:22 商务部网站

经济效益分析预测目前企业产品大部分出口美国、日本、韩国等国家。项目建成后,预计年实现销售收入6000万美元,利税700万美元,投资回收期3年。七、合作方式合资。八、联系方式联系地址:山东省微山县戚城北街邮编:277600联系人:张成文联系电话:0086-537-8222342传真:0086-537-8221543电子邮箱:sd123995@sohu.comWeishanCountyLake-products Commercial and Industrial Co., Ltd. WeishanSheldrakeand aquatic products processing project (total investment12million USD)1. Project nameWeishan County Lake-productsCommercialand Industrial Co., Ltd. Weishan Sheldrake and aquaticproductsprocessing project2. Brief introduction to the projectunitWithtotal assets of over 50 million yuan, WeishanLake-productsCommercial and Industrial Co., Ltd. deals inproduction andoperation of bird meats and eggs, Weishan Lake’saquatic productsof 120 or more varieties in 5 series and 13 forexport for earningof foreign currency. Year 2004 saw the salesrevenue of more than80 million yuan, with profit and tax of over 6million yuan.3.Project contents and construction scaleAnnualprocessing of 10million meat ducks, 3000 tons of spiced braisedducks and 2000 tonsof aquatic products4. ConstructionconditionsSufficient rawmaterials, no need to take over land,complete supportingfacilities5. Total project investment and fundresourcesIt isestimated to invest 12 million US dollars in theproject totally,in which, 4 million US dollars are self-raised; 8million USdollars of foreign funds, tended to be introduced.6.Market andfinancial benefit analysis and forecastAt present, mostof itsproducts are exported to the United States, Japan, SouthKorea,etc.. After the project is completed, it is predicted thatannualsales revenue hits 60 million US dollars, with profit and taxof 7million US dollars, and the investment recovery period is3years.7. Cooperation formJoint venture8. MeansofcontactAdd:Qicheng North Street, Weishan County, ShandongPostcode:277600Person to contact:ZhangChengwenTel:+86-537-8222342Fax:+86-537-8221543E-mail:sd123995@sohu.com(信息来源:济宁市地方商务之窗)



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