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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月17日 23:22 商务部网站

业自筹1000万美元,拟引资2000万美元。六、市场及经济效益分析预测预计年接待游客30万人以上,实现旅游收入5000万元,投资回收期9年。七、合作方式合资、合作。八、联系方式联系地址:济宁市中区半截阁路北首邮政编码:272133联系人:杨学志联系电话:137054778950086-537-2315572传真:0086-537-2313421电子邮箱:sd123995@sohu.comJiningXinxing Real EstateDevelopment Co., Ltd. Dushandao Island ScenicZone comprehensivedevelopment project (total investment 30 millionUSD)1. ProjectnameDushandao Island Scenic Zone comprehensivedevelopmentproject2. Brief introduction to the project unitJiningXinxing RealEstate Development Co. Ltd. was approved as Class IIIqualificationdevelopment enterprise by Shandong ProvincialConstructionCommittee in March, 1993.3. Project contents andconstructionscaleDushandao Island Scenic Zone is planning to builda main axisfrom south to north, along which tourist projects willbe arranged,such as Fanghu Resort, Trestle Bridge Gallery, shoppingcenter,Dushan Island dise, Wanghu Pavilion, Fuxi Temple and raceground,etc. tourism project. The development area is 1.3squarekilometers.4. Construction conditionsThe project has beenapprovedby the document JJSH [2004] No. 150 by Jining Development&Planning Commission, and is under the first-phase pretions. Itwillbe commenced in 2005.5. Total project investment andfundresourcesThe total project investment is 30 million USdollars,with self-raised 10 million US dollars. It is planned toimport 20million US dollars.6. Market and financial benefitanalysis andforecastIt is expected to receive more than 300,000visitors eachyear, realizing tourist income of 50 million yuan,with theinvestment recovered in 9 years.7. Cooperation formJointventure orcooperative operation8. Means of contactAdd: North end ofBanjiegeRoad, Shizhong District, JiningPostcode: 272133Person tocontact:Yang XuezhiTel: 13705477895+86-537-2315572Fax:+86-537-2313421Email: sd123995@sohu.com




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