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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月10日 11:34 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4416项目名称: 紧急事件事后恢复项目国 家: 伊朗类 属: 重建/恢复资金支持: 世界银行摘要:通讯设备采购贷款/信贷号码: 贷款号:4697-IRN合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-06-10截止日期:2005-07-25项目介绍:This invitation for bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice that appeared in UN Development BusinessNo. 617of 31 October 2003.The Islamic Republic of Iran has receiveda loanfrom the International Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment(IBRD) toward the cost of the Eart
hquake EmergencyRecovery Project(EERP), and it intends to apply part of the loanproceeds topayments under the contract for the purchase of WLLsystemequipment based on GSM under reference No. EERP/QA3TeP1&EERP/ZA3TeP1.The Ministry of Interior on behalf of Qazvin&Zanjan Telecommunication Companies now invites sealed bidsfromeligible bidders for following equipments:Package A: Includingtwolots for Qazvin Telecommunication Co.Lot 1:· NSSConsistingof:--Mobile Switching Center (MSC) and VLR, HLR, AUC, EIR(1 set)·BSS Consisting of:--Base Station Controller (BSC) &TRAU(1set)--Base Transceiver Station (BTS) (11sets)· OperationalandMaintenance Center (OMC) (1 set)· GPRS for 500 subscriber(1set)(All above with Installation, commissioning and Testing)·SIMcard (6,000 sets)Lot 2:· WALLSET (5,100 sets)Package B:Includingtwo lots for Zanjan Telecommunication Co.Lot 1:· NSSConsistingof:--Mobile Switching Center (MSC) and VLR, HLR, AUC, EIR(1 set·BSS Consisting of:--Base Station Controller (BSC) &TRAU(1set--Base Transceiver Station (BTS) (23sets· OperationalandMaintenance Center (OMC) (1 set· GPRS for 500 subscriber (1set(Allabove with Installation, commissioning and Testing)· SIMcard(12,000 setsLot 2:· WALLSET (10,000 sets)Thetechnicalspecifications and schedule of requirements are describedinsection VI & VII of the bidding documents.Bidding willbeconducted through the international competitive biddingproceduresspecified in the World Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurementunder IBRDLoans and IDA Credits, and is open to all bidders fromeligiblesource countries as defined in the guidelines. In thisrespect,based on the declared policy of Iran, Israel is consideredasineligible source for supply of goods and services forthisbid.Interested eligible bidders may obtain further informationfromproject Management Unit (PMU) and inspect the bidding documentsatthe address below from 0730 to 1530 hours from SaturdaytoWednesday.A complete set of bidding documents in English maybepurchased by interested bidders on the submission of awrittenapplication to the address mentioned below and upon paymentof anonrefundable fee of US$ 400 or its equivalent in afullyconvertible currency or Iranian rials 3,500,000. The methodofpayment will be in cashier抯 check or in the following account.Thedocuments will be sent by courier.· Beneficiary:Amel-E-Zihesab·Bank: Bank Melli Iran· Branch: Vezarat-E-KeshvarBranch, Dr. FatemiAve., Tehran- Iran· Account No. 90057Bids must bedelivered to theaddress below at or before 1400 hours on Monday, 25July 2005, andbe accompanied by a security amount of two per centof the totalprice in the form of a bank guarantee in strictconformance withthe sample form provided in the bidding documents(Section VIII,Sample Forms, Form 2, form of bid security - bankguarantee) orcertified check from a reputable bank, acceptable tothe purchaser.Bid security must be issued in the currency of thebid price or anyother freely convertible currency based on theexchange ratespublished in Financial Times on 4 July 2005. Bidsecurities notconforming to this requirement shall constitutegrounds forrejection of the bid. Late bids will be rejected. Bidswill beopened immediately thereafter, in the presence of thebidders whochoose to attend, at the same address.Contact:ProjectManagementUnit (PMU).Attn: Dr. Hamzeh Shakib, Project Manager.No.1, Shabdizst., Shahid Fayazi (Fereshteh) St.Vali-e-Asr Av.NaturalDisasterResearch Institute Bldg.Tehran, Iran.Tel: (98-21)261-7053.Fax:(98-21) 261-7466.E-mail:eerp_pmu@yahoo.comNoticeNumber:WB1723-657/05



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