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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月10日 11:34 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4414项目名称: 财政部门技术援助项目国 家: 阿塞拜疆类 属: 其他资金支持: 世界银行摘要:银行系统安装贷款/信贷号码: 信贷号:3518-AZ合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-06-10截止日期:2005-08-08项目介绍:This invitation for bids (IFB)follows the generalprocurement notice (GPN) for this project thatappeared in UNDevelopment Business, No. 608 of `6 June 2003.TheGovernment ofAzerbaijan Republic has received a credit from theInternationalDevelopment Association (IDA) toward t
he cost of theFinancialSector Technical Assistance Project, and it intends toapply partof the proceeds of the received credit to payments forgoods,works, related services and consulting services to beprocuredunder the contract for Banking System, contractnumberBUSBank005.Kapital Bank serves as the implementing agency fortheproject and now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders foraBanking System inpuorgto provide state of the art accountingandbanking system capabilities, to adhere to internationalaccountingas well as National Bank of Azerbaijan (NBA) standardsand toimprove the quality and timeliness of accountinginformationavailable within Kapital Bank, its branch network,towards itscustomers and the NBA.In addition to the provision of aBankingSystem Software Package, and server and related hardware,softwareto connect the system to the LAN and WAN of Kapital Bank,thesupplier must assist in testing and implementing, providetrainingfor Kapital Bank technical and accounting departmentpersonnel,assist with customization and participate in operationalreadinesstesting. Finally the supplier is expected to provideon-sitesupport during the first six months of live operation. Asetesupport agreement covering the subsequent 5 years period shouldbeincluded in the bidders?proposal and will be evaluated.Biddingwillbe conducted using the International Competitive Bidding(ICB)procedures specified in the World Bank抯 Guidelines:Procurementunder IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, January 1995, revisedJanuary andAugust 1996, Septr 1997, and January 1999 and is open toallbidders from eligible source countries as defined in theGuidelinesthat meet the following minimum qualification criteria:·Supplier抯package has to be straightforward to implement, and hasprovensuccessfully in a minimum of 3 banks or financialorganizations ofa similar size and nature as Kapital Bank.· It hasbeen operatingas a legally and financially autonomous company atleast during thelast 5 years.· The bidder抯 equity (including sharecapital andretained earnings) is no less than US$ 1 million (orequivalent).Its average annual turnover over the last three yearsshould be US$3 million (or equivalent).· The bidder has its ownresources andthe technical expertise to manage the project andcustomize theproduct to be delivered. The bidder will provideaudited financialstatements.· The supplier must also have a longterm commitment tothe solution provided, and capable of sustainingthe product andits related modules, as well as enhancing itaccording to marketrequirements.Interested eligible Bidders mayobtain furtherinformation and inspect the bidding documents atKapital Bank(address below) from 0900 to 1800 hours, Monday toFriday.Acomplete set of bidding documents in English may bepurchased byinterested bidders on the submission of a writtenapplication tothe address below and upon payment of anon-refundable fee of US$200. The method of payment will be viabank transfer for thebenefit of Kapital Bank, SWIFT code: AIIBAZ2X,at correspondentbank Citibank N.A., New York, USA, SWIFT code:CITIUS33, USDAccount Number: 36089289 under reference 揔apital Bank- BUSBank005?The bidding documents will be sent by courierservices. A pre-bidmeeting which potential bidders may attend willbe held at 1500hours, local time, on 8 July 2005.Bids must bedelivered to theaddress below at or before 1600 hours (Baku time)on Monday, 8August 2005 and be clearly marked 揃id for BankingSystem projectand related Implementation Services under contractnumberBUSbank005.?All bids must be accompanied by a bid security ofnotless than US$ 15,000. Late bids will be rejected. Bids willbeopened in the presence of the bidders?representatives who choosetoattend at the address below, immediately following the deadlineforbid submission.The attention of prospective bidders is drawn to(i)the fact that they will be required to certify in their bidsthatall software is either covered by a valid license or wasproducedby the bidder and (ii) that violations are consideredfraud, whichis, among other remedies, punishable by potentialblacklisting fromparticipation in future WorldBank-financedprocurement.Contact:Kapital Bank ?Head Office.Mr.ElmarMamedov.Deputy Chairman of the Board.71 Fuzuli St.BakuAZ1014,Azerbaijan.Tel: (994-12) 493-6630 (171).Fax:(994-12)493-7905.E-mail:elmar.mamedov@kapitalbank.azNoticeNumber:WB1740-657/02



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