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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月03日 09:20 商务部网站

序号项目名称行业建设规模及内容总投资      (万美元)利用外资额(万美元)承办单位联系人电话               (区号0596)前期工作深度
No.Project nameTrade typeConstruction sclae & contentTotal investment (×USD$10000)Foreign investment(×USD$10000)UndertakerContactTel: 86-596-Project progress
Commerial forest of fast-growing and highlyyielding,and material forest fostering baseforestryto build a base of fast-growingCommerial forest, as eucalypt,acacia,  and broadleaf tree, land 1 millionmus48504850Zhangzhou Forestry BureauMr. Zhou Guoming2068266Pre-feasibility research done
Base of fine bamboos and bamboo shoots,ZhangzhouCityforestryLand 500000 mus, in which 300000 mus to bebuilt,200000 mus to be reclaimed15001500Zhangzhou Forestry BureauMr. Zhou Guoming2068266Pre-feasibility research done
Edible fungus development, Jingcheng Townagriculture1\yielding base construction; 2\cold storeandprocessing100100Jingcheng Town Government, Nanjing CountyMr. Wu Wenxian7967599feasibility research done
Bogongzuo tea planting base,MilinTown agriculturefirst phase 2500 mus, total to be over 10000 musofinnocuous tea garden125125Meilin Town Government, Nanjing CountyMr. Huang Songqing7754023first phase land 2500 mus planned
Kuiyang Farming Co., Ltd.agricultureto build a hoggery for 20000 hogs125125Kuiyang Town Government, Nanjing CountyMr. Huang wenjiang7514006Pre-feasibility research done
High-fine-tech agricultural development,DongyuanTown, Longhai CityAgriculturePlanned land occupation 30000mus, dividedotni3nalareas: one for the development of choice varieties of riceandvegetables, one for the development of new and quality varietiesofflowers and fruits imported from foreign countries, another oneforthe development of imported rare fishes 730360Dongyuan Town Government, Longhai CityMr. Zhang Wentong6701016An agricultural scientific research center hasbeenestablished. Accessory facilities as water supply, dykes, androadare completed.
Xiazai Taiwanese AgriculturalCooperationDemonstrational AreaAgricultureTo import fine varieties, planned area 30000mus30001000Xiazai Town Government, Pinghe CountyMr. Huang Songshui5560288Several varieties imported from Taiwan
Zhangpu demonstrational area for Fujian-TaiwanfishingcooperationAgricultureShrimp ponds 2000 mus, imported new varieties1000mus, net-case breeding 5000 cases, abalone breeding 3500 mus,2aquatics processing plants18001500Zhangpu County Aquatics BureauMr. Zhang Junyun3222074Feasibility-research report done
Zhangzhou demonstrational area of fineflowersAgricultureBase for palmaceous plants 300 mus, indoorornamentals200 mus, miniascape base 100 mus300200Fujian Minnan Flowers Co., Ltd.Mr. Chen Jiezhong3851103Facilities perfect
Zhangzhou demonstrational area for high &newtech. gardeningAgricultureLand area 70 hectares, in which 6 hectaresofvarieties demonstration, 4 hectares of fruit breeding area,high& new tech. planting area 60 hectares; facilities asbuilding,market630390Fujian Minnan Flowers Co., Ltd.Mr. Chen Jiezhong3851103Project suggestion made
Zhangpu Fujian-Taiwan demonstrational area forhigh& new tech. gardeningAgricultureLand area 70 hectares, in which 10 hectaresofvarieties demonstration,  high & newtech.planting area 60 hectares; facilities as building, market area6hectares632600Minnan Golden Triangle Flowers Co., Ltd.Mr. Chen Jiezhong3612003Project suggestion made and presentcertainscale
12东山县远洋拖网作业合作农业新造、改造钢质渔轮各4艘、运输船各1 艘,改造木质渔船10艘,运输船1艘590590东山县渔民协会张乌手  李复生5681158与印尼方进行合作洽谈
Ocean dragnet fishing cooperation,DongshanCountyAgricultureto newly build and rebuild 4 steel fishingboatsrespectively, 1 transport boat; to rebuild 10 wooden boats,1transport boat590590Dongshan County Fishermen AssociationMr. Zhang Wushou, Mr. Li Fusheng5681158negotiating with Indonesian company
Shrimp breeding pond reconstructionAgricultureto reconstruct 600 mus 120100Donshan Prawn Breeding AssociationMr. Lin Jinlong 5681158planned
Net-case breeding base in Dongshan WujiaoBayAgricultureBig net-cases 500 pieces, 1 freezing warehouse,1office building, accessories1085800Dongshan Aquatics BureauMr. Li Zhenxing5620653feasibility research work done
Aquatics breeding in Dongshan BayAgriculture1000 steel net-cases for breeding shellfishes24000mus12091000Dongshan County Aquatics BureauMr. Li Zhenxing5620653Project suggestion made
Chinese agnail-fish breedingAgricultureBreeding 1000 mus484400Banyang Town Economic Cooperation Center,ChangtaiCountyMr.Liu Luxiang8255193present 200 mus breed
Modernized agricultural demonstratinal areaofChangtai CountyAgricultureTo develop fine and new varieties offoodstuffs,fruits and flowers13001300Changtai County Foreign Economy and TradeBureauMr. Chen Shaodian8338641Generally planned and parts of theinfrastructuresfinished
Changtai Bamboo BaseAgricultureTo plant bamboos 20000 mus967900Banli Township Economic Cooperation Center,ChangtaiCountyMr. Ye Xiangyong8277025Planned, designed
Flowers and virescence plant base,ChangtaiCountyAgricultureplanned area 6000 mus, to build flowerssightseeingarea, fresh flower processing area, gardening virescencearea,greenhouses area360360Changtai County Forestry BureauMr. Dai Ganghe13806943489Generally planned and projectsuggestionmade
20澳洲淡水龙虾人工育苗和养殖农业建设澳洲淡水龙虾养殖200亩,增添育苗设备和改造170亩养虾池;第二期可扩大到600亩200100云霄县荷东农渔牧综合开发有限公司周福茂  周其斌8883138已完成初步设计
Australian lobster breedingAgriculture200 mus lobster breeding, importing newequipments andreconstructing 170 mu of ponds, second phase to be600 mus200100Yunxiao County Hedong AgriculturalComprehensiveDevelopment Co., Ltd.Mr. Zhou Fumao or Mr. Zhou Qibin8883138Preliminarily designed
Yunxiao Dongxia demonstrational area formodernizedagricultureAgricultureaquatics breeding 7000mus, vegetables 8000 mus, modern agriculture(innocuousvegetables)10000mus, flower 400 mus20001000Dongxia Modern Agricultural Development Co.,YunxiaoCountyMs. Lin Xiuzhen8888268Generally planned,RMB26.59million invested, infrastructures assea wall protection forestcompleted
Mud clam breeding, Chendai Town, YunxiaoCountyAgricultureBreeding young clams 500 mus, shrimp ponds 2500mus,sea-beaches 500 mus800500Chendai Town Government, Yunxiao CountyMr. Tang Zongyong8669556Feasibility research done
Dongxia 10000 mus innocuous vegetablesproducingbaseAgricultureto build a base of 10000 mus innocuousvegetablesplanting: 1. demonstrational area 600 mus; 2. Innocuousvegetablesproducing base 9400 mus150100Dongxia Town Government, Yunxiao CountyMr. Lin Tianqi8888268Project suggestion mad; infrastructures as waterandpower supply completed
10000 mus tea planting and processing,YunxiaoCountyAgricultureto plant fine quality teas, hilly region about20000mus, yearly rainfall 1700mm500400Mapu Township government, Yunxiao CountyMr. Zeng Muquan8788398project suggestions made
Producing lines of fertilizer for soilimprovement,Yunxiao CountyAgricultureTo produce organic fertilizer, and soilimproving andtechnology consultation and transferring100100Pumei Town Government, Yunxiao CountyMr. Cai Xingzhou8553828project suggestion made
Grass hilly area development, YunxiaoCountyAgricultureto build 6150 mus of grass hilly area,Baihuayangreservoir development350300Agriclture Bureau of Yunxiao CountyMr. Wu Xizong8532837feasibility research report made
1 million feather duck breeding baseAgricultureto purchas 200000 breeding ducks, to buildduckbuildings and feed processing plant, equipments100100Yunxiao County Mr. Zhu Rongfa8532227project suggestion made
Agricultral and animalhusbandry developmentAgricultureTo plant fruits, poultry and aquatics breedingarea4000 mus200100Huotian Town Government, Yunxiao GovernmentMr. Liu Yunhui8828288project suggestion made
Demonstrational base of 10000 mus of fine andqualityloquat plantingAgriculturein 1999, 3000 mus have been developed120100Pumei Town Government, Yunxiao CountyMr. Cai Xingzhou8553828planned and feasibility research reportmade
Comprehensive development of Hedongagriculture,fishery and animal husbandryAgricultureeel breeding pond and fish breeding pond 650mus;yearly output value RMB 10million125100Dongxia Town Government, Yunxiao CountyMr. Lin Tianqi8888268project suggestion made
Qingqi mud clam breeding, Lieyu Isle,YunxiaoCountyAgriculturemud clam breeding area 1000 mus200150Lieyu Town Government, Yunxiao CountyMr. Zhang Jiayang8688268feasibility research report made andgenerallyplanned
Loquat planting indstry development,YunxiaoCountyAgricultureto newly build planting base 35000 mus, nurseryarea500 mus, 1 producing line of processing loquat1100600Zhangjiang Incorporated Co., Ltd., YunxiaoCoutyMr. Gao Jianqiang8512969project suggestions made; base 50000 mus;nursery area200 mus
Xishan organic fine agriculturaldevelopmentAgricultureHilly area 6000 mus, plowlands 4000 mus forvegetablesand flowers450450Enterprises Center, Longshan Town, NanjingCountyMr. Zhuang Junsheng7578010Project suggestion made
Protected base construction for Taiwan wildcycad,Zhaoan CountyAgricultureto build protected area 1600 sqm, breedsourceprotected ara 1500sqm, reproducing area 8000 sqm120100Zhaoan County Forestry BureauMr. Xu Xiangkun3338119feasibility research done
Season reversed fruits andvegetablesdecvelopmentAgriculturenewly planting 3000 late-maturing lichees, and5000mus of season reversed vegetable100100Chenxiang Town Economic Cooperation Center,ChangtaiCountyMr. Zan Shuisong8222318
Mountainous season reversed vegetable productionandprocessing, Huaan CountyAgricultureTo establish a vegetables production base of120000 muand fresh-keeping storage as well as whole salemarket15971000Yulong Fruits & Vegetable Development Co.,Ltd.,Huaan CountyMr. Liu Sixin7362470Feasibility researchreportmade

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