农业项目AgriculturalIndustry | | | | | | | | |
序号 | 项目名称 | 行业 | 建设规模及内容 | 总投资 (万美元) | 利用外资额(万美元) | 承办单位 | 联系人 | 电话 (区号0596) | 前期工作深度 |
No. | Project name | Trade type | Construction sclae & content | Total investment (×USD$10000) | Foreign investment(×USD$10000) | Undertaker | Contact | Tel: 86-596- | Project progress |
1 | 速生丰产用材林与定向培育原料林基地建设 | 林业 | 建设以桉树、相思
树、乡土速生阔叶树等为主的速生丰产用材林基地100万亩 | 4850 | 4850 | 漳州市林业局 | 邹国明 | 2068266 | 预可行性研究 |
| Commerial forest of fast-growing and highlyyielding,and material forest fostering base | forestry | to build a base of fast-growingCommerial forest, as eucalypt,acacia, and broadleaf tree, land 1 millionmus | 4850 | 4850 | Zhangzhou Forestry Bureau | Mr. Zhou Guoming | 2068266 | Pre-feasibility research done |
2 | 漳州市名优笋竹两用基地建设 | 林业 | 建设名优优笋竹两用基地50万亩,其中新造竹30万亩,垦复20万亩 | 1500 | 1500 | 漳州市林业局 | 邹国明 | 2068266 | 预可行性研究 |
| Base of fine bamboos and bamboo shoots,ZhangzhouCity | forestry | Land 500000 mus, in which 300000 mus to bebuilt,200000 mus to be reclaimed | 1500 | 1500 | Zhangzhou Forestry Bureau | Mr. Zhou Guoming | 2068266 | Pre-feasibility research done |
3 | 靖城镇食用菌开发 | 农业 | 1、食用菌生产基地建设;2、食用菌冷藏及深加工 | 100 | 100 | 南靖县靖城人民政府 | 吴文贤 | 7967599 | 已做好可行性研究报告 |
| Edible fungus development, Jingcheng Town | agriculture | 1\yielding base construction; 2\cold storeandprocessing | 100 | 100 | Jingcheng Town Government, Nanjing County | Mr. Wu Wenxian | 7967599 | feasibility research done |
4 | 梅林柏公座茶叶生产基地 | 农业 | 首期开发2500亩,总量上万亩的无公害茶园 | 125 | 125 | 南靖县梅林镇人民政府 | 黄松庆 | 7754023 | 已规划首期用地2500亩 |
| Bogongzuo tea planting base,MilinTown | agriculture | first phase 2500 mus, total to be over 10000 musofinnocuous tea garden | 125 | 125 | Meilin Town Government, Nanjing County | Mr. Huang Songqing | 7754023 | first phase land 2500 mus planned |
5 | 奎洋畜牧有限公司 | 农业 | 建设栏瘦肉猪2万头养猪场 | 125 | 125 | 南靖县奎洋镇人民政府 | 黄文疆 | 7514006 | 已完成预可研究 |
| Kuiyang Farming Co., Ltd. | agriculture | to build a hoggery for 20000 hogs | 125 | 125 | Kuiyang Town Government, Nanjing County | Mr. Huang wenjiang | 7514006 | Pre-feasibility research done |
6 | 龙海东园高优农业开发 | 农业 | 规划占地3万亩,划分三片功能区。一是水田农地1.2万亩,培植开发稻、蔬菜优良品种;二是山地1万亩,引进园内外高新品质的花卉、水果品种进行规模开发;三是滩涂8000亩,作为引进珍希名贵鱼类的淡水养殖开发基地 | 730 | 360 | 龙海市东园镇政府 | 张文通 | 6701016 | 区内已设有融科研、试验、培训、电脑信息为一体的农科所,并有“福建省水稻新品种丰产示范片”和“龙海市万亩农田建设示范区”水、渠、路设施配套 |
| High-fine-tech agricultural development,DongyuanTown, Longhai City | Agriculture | Planned land occupation 30000mus, dividedotni3nalareas: one for the development of choice varieties of riceandvegetables, one for the development of new and quality varietiesofflowers and fruits imported from foreign countries, another oneforthe development of imported rare fishes | 730 | 360 | Dongyuan Town Government, Longhai City | Mr. Zhang Wentong | 6701016 | An agricultural scientific research center hasbeenestablished. Accessory facilities as water supply, dykes, androadare completed. |
7 | 霞寨对台农业合作示范区 | 农业 | 建设引进高优新品种,规划面积30000亩 | 3000 | 1000 | 平和霞寨镇政府 | 黄松水 | 5560288 | 部分新品种已入户 |
| Xiazai Taiwanese AgriculturalCooperationDemonstrational Area | Agriculture | To import fine varieties, planned area 30000mus | 3000 | 1000 | Xiazai Town Government, Pinghe County | Mr. Huang Songshui | 5560288 | Several varieties imported from Taiwan |
8 | 漳浦佛昙闽台渔业合作示范区 | 农业 | 建设虾池综合利用合作区2000亩;新品种引进实验区1000亩;海不网箱养殖合作区50000箱;陆上工厂化养鲍合作区3500区;水产品加工合作区加工厂2座 | 1800 | 1500 | 漳浦县水产局 | 张俊云 | 3222074 | 完成可研报告 |
| Zhangpu demonstrational area for Fujian-Taiwanfishingcooperation | Agriculture | Shrimp ponds 2000 mus, imported new varieties1000mus, net-case breeding 5000 cases, abalone breeding 3500 mus,2aquatics processing plants | 1800 | 1500 | Zhangpu County Aquatics Bureau | Mr. Zhang Junyun | 3222074 | Feasibility-research report done |
9 | 漳州高优花卉示范基地 | 农业 | 建立优质棕榈科植物生产基地300亩,室内观叶植物生产基地200亩,盆景生产基地100亩 | 300 | 200 | 福建闽南花卉有限公司 | 陈结仲 | 3851103 | 配套设计齐全 |
| Zhangzhou demonstrational area of fineflowers | Agriculture | Base for palmaceous plants 300 mus, indoorornamentals200 mus, miniascape base 100 mus | 300 | 200 | Fujian Minnan Flowers Co., Ltd. | Mr. Chen Jiezhong | 3851103 | Facilities perfect |
10 | 漳州闽南农业园艺高新技术合作示范园区 | 农业 | 品种园区建设占地70公顷,其中名优园艺品种展示示范区6公顷、优质水果品种繁育示范园区4公顷;高科技种植示范园区建设占地60公顷,其中名优花卉种植示范区10公顷,高优水果种植示范园区20公顷、热带观叶植物种植示范园区30公顷;中心园区建设占地4.33公顷,建筑面积25500平方米 | 630 | 390 | 福建省闽南花卉有限公司 | 陈结仲 | 3851103 | 已编项目建议书 |
| Zhangzhou demonstrational area for high &newtech. gardening | Agriculture | Land area 70 hectares, in which 6 hectaresofvarieties demonstration, 4 hectares of fruit breeding area,high& new tech. planting area 60 hectares; facilities asbuilding,market | 630 | 390 | Fujian Minnan Flowers Co., Ltd. | Mr. Chen Jiezhong | 3851103 | Project suggestion made |
11 | 漳浦闽台农业园艺高新技术合作示范园区 | 农业 | 总占地面积76公顷,其中:品种园区建设占地10公顷;高科技种植示范园区建设占地60公顷;中心园区及其它建设占地6公顷 | 632 | 600 | 闽南金三角花卉有限公司 | 陈结仲 | 3612003 | 已编项目建议书并已具规模 |
| Zhangpu Fujian-Taiwan demonstrational area forhigh& new tech. gardening | Agriculture | Land area 70 hectares, in which 10 hectaresofvarieties demonstration, high & newtech.planting area 60 hectares; facilities as building, market area6hectares | 632 | 600 | Minnan Golden Triangle Flowers Co., Ltd. | Mr. Chen Jiezhong | 3612003 | Project suggestion made and presentcertainscale |
12 | 东山县远洋拖网作业合作 | 农业 | 新造、改造钢质渔轮各4艘、运输船各1 艘,改造木质渔船10艘,运输船1艘 | 590 | 590 | 东山县渔民协会 | 张乌手 李复生 | 5681158 | 与印尼方进行合作洽谈 |
| Ocean dragnet fishing cooperation,DongshanCounty | Agriculture | to newly build and rebuild 4 steel fishingboatsrespectively, 1 transport boat; to rebuild 10 wooden boats,1transport boat | 590 | 590 | Dongshan County Fishermen Association | Mr. Zhang Wushou, Mr. Li Fusheng | 5681158 | negotiating with Indonesian company |
13 | 虾池综合改造利用 | 农业 | 改造综合利用600亩 | 120 | 100 | 东山县对虾养殖协会 | 林进龙 | 5681158 | 规划改造 |
| Shrimp breeding pond reconstruction | Agriculture | to reconstruct 600 mus | 120 | 100 | Donshan Prawn Breeding Association | Mr. Lin Jinlong | 5681158 | planned |
14 | 东山县乌礁湾大型网箱养殖基地 | 农业 | 建大型网箱养殖基地,大型网箱500个,冷库一座,管理楼一座及相应配套设施 | 1085 | 800 | 东山县水产局 | 李振兴 | 5620653 | 已完成可行性研究 |
| Net-case breeding base in Dongshan WujiaoBay | Agriculture | Big net-cases 500 pieces, 1 freezing warehouse,1office building, accessories | 1085 | 800 | Dongshan Aquatics Bureau | Mr. Li Zhenxing | 5620653 | feasibility research work done |
15 | 东山湾海珍品养殖基地 | 农业 | 钢架网箱1000个,贝类吊养24000亩,底播2000亩 | 1209 | 1000 | 东山县水产局 | 李振兴 | 5620653 | 已编制项目建议书 |
| Aquatics breeding in Dongshan Bay | Agriculture | 1000 steel net-cases for breeding shellfishes24000mus | 1209 | 1000 | Dongshan County Aquatics Bureau | Mr. Li Zhenxing | 5620653 | Project suggestion made |
16 | 中华倒刺鲃行种水产养殖 | 农业 | 养殖1000亩 | 484 | 400 | 长泰县枋洋经联社 | 刘鲁祥 | 8255193 | 已养殖200亩 |
| Chinese agnail-fish breeding | Agriculture | Breeding 1000 mus | 484 | 400 | Banyang Town Economic Cooperation Center,ChangtaiCounty | Mr.Liu Luxiang | 8255193 | present 200 mus breed |
17 | 长泰雪美洋现代农业示范园区 | 农业 | 规划建设高优食粮作物、水果、花卉种植开发项目,尤其是绿色品种种植开发 | 1300 | 1300 | 长泰县外经贸局 | 陈绍典 | 8338641 | 已完成总体规划和部分基础设施建设 |
| Modernized agricultural demonstratinal areaofChangtai County | Agriculture | To develop fine and new varieties offoodstuffs,fruits and flowers | 1300 | 1300 | Changtai County Foreign Economy and TradeBureau | Mr. Chen Shaodian | 8338641 | Generally planned and parts of theinfrastructuresfinished |
18 | 长泰县万亩麻竹基地开发 | 农业 | 种植麻竹2万亩 | 967 | 900 | 长泰县坂里乡经联社 | 叶芗勇 | 8277025 | 已完成规划设施 |
| Changtai Bamboo Base | Agriculture | To plant bamboos 20000 mus | 967 | 900 | Banli Township Economic Cooperation Center,ChangtaiCounty | Mr. Ye Xiangyong | 8277025 | Planned, designed |
19 | 长泰县花卉、绿化苗木基地招商 | 农业 | 规划面积6000亩,建设花卉观赏区,鲜切花、鲜切叶生产区,园林绿化区,温室遮荫区 | 360 | 360 | 长泰县林业局 | 戴港河 | 13806943489 | 完成总体规划及项目建议书 |
| Flowers and virescence plant base,ChangtaiCounty | Agriculture | planned area 6000 mus, to build flowerssightseeingarea, fresh flower processing area, gardening virescencearea,greenhouses area | 360 | 360 | Changtai County Forestry Bureau | Mr. Dai Ganghe | 13806943489 | Generally planned and projectsuggestionmade |
20 | 澳洲淡水龙虾人工育苗和养殖 | 农业 | 建设澳洲淡水龙虾养殖200亩,增添育苗设备和改造170亩养虾池;第二期可扩大到600亩 | 200 | 100 | 云霄县荷东农渔牧综合开发有限公司 | 周福茂 周其斌 | 8883138 | 已完成初步设计 |
| Australian lobster breeding | Agriculture | 200 mus lobster breeding, importing newequipments andreconstructing 170 mu of ponds, second phase to be600 mus | 200 | 100 | Yunxiao County Hedong AgriculturalComprehensiveDevelopment Co., Ltd. | Mr. Zhou Fumao or Mr. Zhou Qibin | 8883138 | Preliminarily designed |
21 | 云霄东厦现代农业示范区 | 农业 | 建设名优水产养殖7000亩,高优水果生产区8000亩,万亩现代设施农业(无公害蔬菜),名优花卉示范区400亩,立体种养区1000亩 | 2000 | 1000 | 东厦现代农业开发公司 | 林秀珍 | 8888268 | 完成规划,已投入资金2659万元,完成海堤防护林等基础设施建设 |
| Yunxiao Dongxia demonstrational area formodernizedagriculture | Agriculture | aquatics breeding 7000mus, vegetables 8000 mus, modern agriculture(innocuousvegetables)10000mus, flower 400 mus | 2000 | 1000 | Dongxia Modern Agricultural Development Co.,YunxiaoCounty | Ms. Lin Xiuzhen | 8888268 | Generally planned,RMB¥26.59million invested, infrastructures assea wall protection forestcompleted |
22 | 云霄县陈贷镇泥蚶养殖基地 | 农业 | 育苗500亩,虾池2500亩,滩涂500亩 | 800 | 500 | 云霄县陈贷镇人民政府 | 汤宗勇 | 8669556 | 完成可研论证 |
| Mud clam breeding, Chendai Town, YunxiaoCounty | Agriculture | Breeding young clams 500 mus, shrimp ponds 2500mus,sea-beaches 500 mus | 800 | 500 | Chendai Town Government, Yunxiao County | Mr. Tang Zongyong | 8669556 | Feasibility research done |
23 | 东厦万亩无公害蔬菜生产基地 | 农业 | 建设10000亩无公害蔬菜生产基地,其中:1、设施农业(蔬菜)生产示范园600亩;2、无公害蔬菜生产基地9400亩 | 150 | 100 | 云霄县东厦镇政府 | 林添齐 | 8888268 | 完成项目建议书,区内水电及公共基础设施都已配套齐全 |
| Dongxia 10000 mus innocuous vegetablesproducingbase | Agriculture | to build a base of 10000 mus innocuousvegetablesplanting: 1. demonstrational area 600 mus; 2. Innocuousvegetablesproducing base 9400 mus | 150 | 100 | Dongxia Town Government, Yunxiao County | Mr. Lin Tianqi | 8888268 | Project suggestion mad; infrastructures as waterandpower supply completed |
24 | 云霄县万亩茶叶种植加工 | 农业 | 种植优质茶叶品种,海拔500米以上山地近2万亩,年降雨量1700mm左右 | 500 | 400 | 云霄县马铺乡政府 | 曾牧全 | 8788398 | 完成项目建议书 |
| 10000 mus tea planting and processing,YunxiaoCounty | Agriculture | to plant fine quality teas, hilly region about20000mus, yearly rainfall 1700mm | 500 | 400 | Mapu Township government, Yunxiao County | Mr. Zeng Muquan | 8788398 | project suggestions made |
25 | 云霄土壤改良化肥生产线 | 农业 | 有机肥开发生产,土壤改良及农业技术咨询、转让 | 100 | 100 | 云霄县莆美镇政府 | 蔡兴洲 | 8553828 | 完成项目建议书 |
| Producing lines of fertilizer for soilimprovement,Yunxiao County | Agriculture | To produce organic fertilizer, and soilimproving andtechnology consultation and transferring | 100 | 100 | Pumei Town Government, Yunxiao County | Mr. Cai Xingzhou | 8553828 | project suggestion made |
26 | 云霄县草山草坡开发 | 农业 | 建设草山草坡6150亩及百花洋水库综合利用 | 350 | 300 | 云霄县农业局 | 吴锡宗 | 8532837 | 已完成可研报告 |
| Grass hilly area development, YunxiaoCounty | Agriculture | to build 6150 mus of grass hilly area,Baihuayangreservoir development | 350 | 300 | Agriclture Bureau of Yunxiao County | Mr. Wu Xizong | 8532837 | feasibility research report made |
27 | 百万羽鸭生产基地 | 农业 | 购种蛋鸭20万羽,建鸭舍、饲料加工厂及设备投资 | 100 | 100 | 云霄县 | 朱荣发 | 8532227 | 完成项目建议书 |
| 1 million feather duck breeding base | Agriculture | to purchas 200000 breeding ducks, to buildduckbuildings and feed processing plant, equipments | 100 | 100 | Yunxiao County | Mr. Zhu Rongfa | 8532227 | project suggestion made |
28 | 农牧综合开发 | 农业 | 种植水果、家禽及淡水养殖4000亩 | 200 | 100 | 云霄县火田镇政府 | 柳云辉 | 8828288 | 完成项目建议书 |
| Agricultral and animalhusbandry development | Agriculture | To plant fruits, poultry and aquatics breedingarea4000 mus | 200 | 100 | Huotian Town Government, Yunxiao Government | Mr. Liu Yunhui | 8828288 | project suggestion made |
29 | 万亩高优枇杷示范基地开发 | 农业 | 99年先期开发种植高优枇杷3000亩 | 120 | 100 | 云霄县莆美镇 | 蔡兴洲 | 8553828 | 已规划并完成可研报告 |
| Demonstrational base of 10000 mus of fine andqualityloquat planting | Agriculture | in 1999, 3000 mus have been developed | 120 | 100 | Pumei Town Government, Yunxiao County | Mr. Cai Xingzhou | 8553828 | planned and feasibility research reportmade |
30 | 荷东农渔牧综合开发 | 农业 | 养鳗池、养鱼池650亩,年产值1000万元 | 125 | 100 | 云霄县东厦镇政府 | 林添齐 | 8888268 | 完成项目建议书 |
| Comprehensive development of Hedongagriculture,fishery and animal husbandry | Agriculture | eel breeding pond and fish breeding pond 650mus;yearly output value RMB ¥10million | 125 | 100 | Dongxia Town Government, Yunxiao County | Mr. Lin Tianqi | 8888268 | project suggestion made |
31 | 列屿青崎千亩泥蚶养殖开发 | 农业 | 泥蚶养殖1000亩 | 200 | 150 | 云霄县列屿镇政府 | 张佳阳 | 8688268 | 已完成可行性论证和规划 |
| Qingqi mud clam breeding, Lieyu Isle,YunxiaoCounty | Agriculture | mud clam breeding area 1000 mus | 200 | 150 | Lieyu Town Government, Yunxiao County | Mr. Zhang Jiayang | 8688268 | feasibility research report made andgenerallyplanned |
32 | 云霄县枇杷产业化建设 | 农业 | 新建枇杷生产基地3.5万亩,建设500亩枇杷苗圃,年产200万瓶(250克/瓶)生产线1条 | 1100 | 600 | 云霄县漳江实业有限公司 | 高坚强 | 8512969 | 已完成项目建议书,枇杷酒、果酱生产线已进行中试,已建基地5万亩,苗圃200亩 |
| Loquat planting indstry development,YunxiaoCounty | Agriculture | to newly build planting base 35000 mus, nurseryarea500 mus, 1 producing line of processing loquat | 1100 | 600 | Zhangjiang Incorporated Co., Ltd., YunxiaoCouty | Mr. Gao Jianqiang | 8512969 | project suggestions made; base 50000 mus;nursery area200 mus |
33 | 南靖西山有机高优农业开发 | 农业 | 现有山地6000亩、田地4000亩利用气纳土培植无公害蔬菜及花卉 | 450 | 450 | 南靖县龙山镇企业办公室 | 庄俊生 | 7578010 | 已编项目建议书 |
| Xishan organic fine agriculturaldevelopment | Agriculture | Hilly area 6000 mus, plowlands 4000 mus forvegetablesand flowers | 450 | 450 | Enterprises Center, Longshan Town, NanjingCounty | Mr. Zhuang Junsheng | 7578010 | Project suggestion made |
34 | 诏安县台湾野生苏铁群一级保护植物基地建设 | 农业 | 设置保护区1600m2、种源保存区1500m2、繁殖区8000m2等。 | 120 | 100 | 诏安县林业局 | 许响坤 | 3338119 | 可研 |
| Protected base construction for Taiwan wildcycad,Zhaoan County | Agriculture | to build protected area 1600 sqm, breedsourceprotected ara 1500sqm, reproducing area 8000 sqm | 120 | 100 | Zhaoan County Forestry Bureau | Mr. Xu Xiangkun | 3338119 | feasibility research done |
35 | 反季节果蔬成片开发项目 | 农业 | 新种3000棵晚熟荔技,发展5000亩反季节蔬菜 | 100 | 100 | 陈巷经联社 | 詹水松 | 8222318 | |
| Season reversed fruits andvegetablesdecvelopment | Agriculture | newly planting 3000 late-maturing lichees, and5000mus of season reversed vegetable | 100 | 100 | Chenxiang Town Economic Cooperation Center,ChangtaiCounty | Mr. Zan Shuisong | 8222318 | |
36 | 漳州华安反季节蔬菜项目 | 农业 | 属高优农产品项目,可满足人们生活需要。市场广阔。当地生产条件好,无污染。建12万亩蔬菜生产基地,建冷藏保鲜加工库存及产品批发市场 | 1597 | 1000 | 华安县舆农果蔬发展有限公司 | 刘四新 | 7362470 | 完成项目可行性研究报告 |
| Mountainous season reversed vegetable productionandprocessing, Huaan County | Agriculture | To establish a vegetables production base of120000 muand fresh-keeping storage as well as whole salemarket | 1597 | 1000 | Yulong Fruits & Vegetable Development Co.,Ltd.,Huaan County | Mr. Liu Sixin | 7362470 | Feasibility researchreportmade |