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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月02日 16:52 商务部网站




  蒙阴县矿产资源丰富。全县已经探明的矿产有20多种,其中煤炭、金刚石、黄金、花岗岩、麦饭石、矿泉水等矿产资源储量大、质量好,开发前景广阔。金刚石储量占全国的50%以上。蒙阴投资环境良好,交通便利。京沪高速公路穿越全境,并在县内有两处出入口,205国道、兖石公路贯穿东西,沂蒙公路纵贯南北,全县通车里程达1032公里,乡镇道路全部柏油化。蒙阴电力充足、通讯发达,汶河大酒店、东蒙山庄、蒙山宾馆等涉外酒店宾馆环境优雅,文化娱乐设施齐全。经济技术开发区正处于积极的建设之中,将真正成为全县对外开放的窗口,招商引资的基地和带动整个区域经济发展的龙头。诚实友好的蒙阴人民热忱欢迎海内外朋友来这里观光旅游、贸易洽谈、投资兴业,共同开发这片美丽文明富饶的土地。AnIntroductionof Mengyin CountyMengyin county lies in the southeastof Shandongprovince, east near to Qindong and Rizhao city, westlinked withmount Tai, and with an area of 1605 km2 and apopulation of 530thousands. Mengyin is one of the state-classmodal countries forculture and advanced technology, anexperimental opening county forprovincal general reform, an modalcounty of society integratedmanagement for the security, anadvanced county of spritscivilization construction, and anadvanced county of sports andculture.With beautiful hills andunique scenery, Mengyin county haslots of attractive naturallandscape, such as Mount Meng ,YunmengLake and Menglianggu.Moreover, there are several other lovelyscenic sports in thecounty, Xingshan Corrosion Cave, Xianren Cave ,Thirty-six Hills ,Zongshan Temple , Wenxi Park , as well as loftyHongmeng Pagoda,etc. all which together fomulate a whole ingenioushill-and-waterdise in Shadong province.Mengyin county is alsorenowned for itsgreen products. Yinmai Beer, which is produced withlocalhigh-quality mineral water attached to rare medicinalherbs.Mengshan scorpion, one special insect species of the county,is notonly a precious Chinese medicine, but also a wonderfulcookingfish. The annual output reaches 250000tons ranking the 36thin thetop 100 key countries for fruits production. Other localspecialgreen food includes Dongmeng Saused Vegetable , Lonelychicken,Braised rabbitHead, Mengshan Lamb Soup, Six SistersPancake.Thereare bound natural resources in Mengyin, such as thediamondoriginal mineral, granite, Maifan mineral, albits, silvie,potteryclay, coal, etc.The reserve of diamond is more than 50% oftotalamount of China.Moreover, investment environment,transportationand geological conditions are also good in Mengyincounty.Beijing-Shanghai express way extends its whole boundary.205national highway, Yah-shi highway and Yimeng highwayareintercrossed at the capital of Mengyin. Now Mengyin isstrugglingfor establishing a green industrialized economy whichdisplays abrilliant cooperation and development prospect. Thesincere andfriendly local people are warmly welcoming friendsdemestic andabroad to Mengyin for traveling, trading,culture-interflowing andbusiness cooperating on the beautifulland.



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