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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月27日 16:47 商务部网站

  黄河故道区30万亩速生丰产林基地一、项目简介 曹县黄河故道区系一八五五年黄河改道后遗留下来的废弃河道,长50公里,平均宽5.5公里,总面积40.7万亩。建设该项目可加速发展森林资源,扩大木材生产基地。二、市场前景 曹县在庄寨、桃源、青固集建起了木材交易中心,吸引了苏、鲁、豫、皖、晋、冀、陕、甘等八省30多个地区的客商前来交易。曹县有木材加工企业1700家,产品出口日本、韩国、香港等国家和地区,当地杨木缺口很大.三、投资概算及预期经济效益 项目总投资2.7亿元,当地政府投资及群众投工投劳1.5亿元
,招商引资1.2亿元。项目林业7年主伐,木材总收入21亿元,扣除各种成本,纯收入7.8亿元,年纯收入1.11亿元。四、合作方式 合资五、联系方式联系人:高凤山电话:0530—3315679The forest base of 20,000 hectares that grow andgetbumper crops rapidly in the old course of the Yellow RiverⅠ.Briefintroduction of projectThe old course of the Yellow River inCaoCounty is such as a discarded department of that come downafter itchanged its course, 50 -km-long, 5.5-km-wide on average,and thewhole area is 27133 hectares. Building this project candevelop theforest reserves with higher speed , expand the forestbase.Ⅱ. MarketprospectsThere are is Forest Products Trade Centrein ZhuangzhaiTown, TaoYuan Town, and Qingguji Town of Cao County,attracting thebusinessmen of 30 areas of 8 provinces such asJiangsu , Shandong ,Henan , Anhui , Shanxi , Hebei and Shanxietc., to trade. Theproducts are exported to Japan , S. Korea ,Hong Kong etc. Localaspen wood gap is very great.Ⅲ. The budgetaryestimate of investmentand the economic benefits of expectancyThegross investment of theproject is 270 million Yuan. It is150million Yuan of the investmentof local government, the investmentof the masses’s work is 150million Yuan and the investment is 120million Yuan. The mainfelling of the forest is 7 years later. Thegross income from timberis 2,100 million Yuan. The net income is780 million Yuan, deductingvarious kinds of cost, annual netincome of 111 million Yuan.Ⅳ.Cooperative wayJoint-ventureⅤ.Contact wayContact person: GaoFengshanTel: 86-530-3315679



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