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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月27日 16:47 商务部网站

资回收期2.5年。五、合作方式合资、合作六、联系方式联系人:刘新国电话:0530—3211446Produce10 tons of rennet per yearⅠ. Briefintroduction of projectThe cheeseproducts of producing in theworld every year, need 1 millionkilograms (unit 1 million / gram)of rennet at present. Limited byraw materials and engineeringlevel, the natural rennet of ox andthe sheep is in short supply.So the international market is in verygreat demand.Ⅱ. MarketprospectsDevelopment successfully of rennetof the blue and greengoat, make the production of natural rennetrealizedomesticization. It can not only substitute the import, fillthedomestic gaps, bat also squeezeotnithe international marketatthe same time, creating and drawing a large number offoreigncurrency for the country. So enterprises benefit will beveryconsiderable.Ⅲ. Budgetary estimate of investmentThegrossinvestment of the project is 55,090 thousand Yuan. Among themtheinvestment in fixed assets is 50,990,000 Yuan, thepave-bottomcirculating fund of 4,100,000 Yuan.Ⅳ. BenefitanalysisAfter theproject is built up, realize the income from salesof 80 millionYuan every year, profits tax of 50 million Yuan. Thepayback periodof investment is 2.5 years.Ⅴ. CooperativewayJoint-venture,cooperationⅥ. Contact wayContact person: LiuXinguoTel: 86-530-3211446



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