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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月27日 16:47 商务部网站

60万元,铺底流动资金4000万元。项目达产后,年可实现销售收入32400万元,利税3984万元,其中利润1165万元。五、合作方式参股、控股等。六、联系方式联系人:康时杰、胡甫田电话:0530—8638038Produce50,000 tonsof the food serial ofdenaturalization starch per yearⅠ.Enterprises overviewCheng WuCounty Jia Li Da Starch Co. LTCproduces 12000 tons of wheat flourper year, wheat starch of 15000tons, valley protein powder of 2500tons, serial denaturalizationstarch of 3000 tons, have the centerof self-operation export andimport.Ⅱ. Project contentPurchase 5sets of the equipment processingdenaturalization starch and thecorollary equipment, newly build18450㎡ of office building andworkshop, etc., produce 50,000 tons ofthe food serial ofdenaturalization starch per year.Ⅲ. MarketanalysisThe annualoutput of all kinds of food, needing to be addedwithdenaturalization starch, is 8,400,000 tons in our country.Countingaccording to 5% of the lowest joining amount, the need offoodserial denaturalization starch is more than 400,000 tonseveryyear. The starch consumption of carnivorous processing,instantnoodles and vermicelli, are up to 20%. The developmentpotentialityof the market is enormous.Ⅳ. The budgetary estimate ofinvestmentand economic benefitsThe gross investment of the projectis100,600,000 Yuan. Among them the investment in fixed assetsis60,600,000 Yuan, the pave-bottom circulating fund of 40millionYuan.After the project reaches the postpartum, realize theincomefrom sales of 324 million Yuan every year, profits taxof39,840,000 Yuan. Among them the profit is 11,650,000Yuan.Ⅴ.Cooperative wayEquity participation, proprietary etc..Ⅵ.ContactwayContact person: Kang Shijie Hu FutianTel: 86-530-8638038



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