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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月27日 16:47 商务部网站

及河南、江苏、安徽等区域市场的占有率高达80%。六、合作方式合资七、联系方式联系人:祝建军电话:0530—3310800Thedeepprocessing project of dairy productsⅠ. Project nameThedeepprocessing project of Shan Dong Yin Xiang Wei Ye DairyProducts.Ⅱ.Brief introduction of projectThis project deals with730,000 tonsof fresh milk every year in production scale. The scaleof thefirst stage of the project is to deal with 500 tons of freshmilkday, deal with 180,000 tons of fresh milk every year.Theconstruction period is two years.Ⅲ. Budgetary estimateofinvestmentThe gross investment of project is 167,133,400Yuan.Among them it is 142,922,400 Yuan that engineeringconstruction andfixed assets. It is 24,211,000 Yuan of thepave-bottom circulatingfund.Ⅳ. Benefit analysisAfter this projectgoesotnioperation,realize the income from sales of 558,600,000Yuan, the profit of137,548,100 Yuan, submitting income tax of45,361,200 Yuan. Theypayback period of investment is 4.5 years.Ⅴ.Existing conditionTheprocessing factory of dairy products processesmore than 60 tons offresh milk on day at present. The dairyproducts of Gui Yi brandare one of the leading brand products inShandong, the occupationrate on such regional markets as Heze,Henan , Jiangsu , and Anhui,etc. is up to 80%.Ⅵ. CooperativewayJoint-venture.Ⅶ. ContactwayContact person: Zhu JianjunTel:86-530- 3310800



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