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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月27日 16:47 商务部网站

68万元。三、经济效益分析该项目建成后年交易手续费收入446万元,设施租赁年收入552万元,商贸城收入5027万元,项目年总收益6350万元,投资回收期6.04,投资利润率21.8%,内部收益18.3%。四、联系方式联系人:崔杰电话:0530—5928951ShandongHeze Fruit Trade CenterⅠ. BackgroundintroductionHeze is theimportant fruit production base of Shandongand the whole country,but there is not regional central wholesalemarket related to it.Taking shape spontaneously at present, it isnot high to organizethe degree of melting, and the scale is smalland scattered. So itis difficult to become the backing of modernagriculturalproduction.Ⅱ. Construction scale(Ⅰ)Fruit wholesalemarket: Build theexchange hall of 10000 square meters newly, thelarge canopy of10000 square meters, the serving floor of 5000square meters, thethermostatical storehouse for 1000 squaremeters. Take up an area of5.3 hectares.(Ⅱ)Trade and businesscity:This trade and business citytakes up an area of 1.2 hectareswith a construction area of 10500square meters. It is used mainlyfor the wholesale of fruit, theoffice of general headquarters oftrade centre, the managing andserving of trade and business city,etc.(Ⅲ)Trade platform ofe-commerce:Invest is 1 million Yuan.Threeitems of gross investmentare 72,680,000 Yuan.Ⅲ. Analysis ofeconomic benefitsAfter thisproject is build up, the income ofcommission is 4,460,000 Yuan,5,520,000 Yuan of annual income ofthe facility lease, 50,270,000Yuan of the gains of the trade andbusiness city, and the annualtotal income of the project is63,500,000 Yuan, the payback periodof investment is 6.04 years.The returns on investment are 21.8%,18.3% of inside earningratioⅣ. Contact wayContact person: CuiJieTel: 86-530- 5928951



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