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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月27日 16:47 商务部网站

交易厅(含拍卖厅)1080万元,仓库720万元,停车场(含车库)120万元,加工包装车间840万元,附属设备、设施800万元。四、效益分析在正常环境条件下,项目建成后,前三年平均每年可以销售牡丹、芍药种苗300万株,绿化苗木l000万株,鲜花l20万盆,牡丹芍药鲜切花50万支,最低税后利润约2000万元。预测三年后,税后利润将增长20%左右。五、联系方式联系人:祝建银电话:0530—5928951Thelarge-scale flowers supermarketⅠ. ProjectbackgroundHeze is town ofpeony of China that the country namesformally. Production of thetree peony, scientific research,travel, exporting, occupies theextremely remarkable importantstatus in our country. The area ofculture is up to 6666 hectares.At present, only in the range of MuDan office, there are all kindsof 386 enterprises of flowers, morethan 12000 specializedhouseholds to produce the flowers, andemployees are nearly50000.Ⅱ. Project contentLarge-scale flowerssupermarket is built inthe center location of Flowers Large World.Plan to cover an areaof 100,000 square meters. Build large-scalegreenhouse, productexhibition hall, trade Room, warehouse, parkingarea, the workshopof pack and process mainly, and set up certainboard and lodgingfacilities.Ⅲ. The budgetary estimate of investmentand capitalsourceThe gross investment of project is 86,020,000Yuan, includingthe greenhouse of 14,420,000 Yuan, the productexhibition hall of36 million Yuan, the hall of the transaction(including theauctioning hall) of 10,800,000 Yuan, warehouse of7,200,000 Yuan,the parking area (including the garage) of 1,200,000Yuan, theprocessing and packing shop of 8,400,000 Yuan, theaccessoryequipment and facility of 8 million Yuan.Ⅳ. BenefitanalysisUnderthe normal environmental condition, after the projectis built up,on average sell 3 million of the germchit of peony andherbaceouspeony every year, 10 million of the germchit of greening,l200thousand basins of flower, 500,000 branchs of cut flowersofherbaceous peony, every year of the past three years. Theminimumprofit of after-tax is about 20 million. Three years later,theafter-tax profit will increase by about 20%.Ⅴ. ContactwayContactperson: Zhu JianyinTel: 86-530- 5928951



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