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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月27日 16:17 商务部网站

  高支高密提花无梭织物设备技术改造一、项目单位 菏泽银河纺织有限责任公司。二、市场分析 该项目年产提花布料、高支高密仿羽布或装饰布400多万米,符合国际市场对棉纱的质量和档次的要求,除可直接出口外,完全可以替代进口面料,国内、外市场前景较好。三、主要改造内容 该项目拟引进100台喷气织机(配提花装置双喷嘴)及配套国产设备,更新清梳联、粗纱机、精梳机。四、投资概算 项目总投资8853万元,其中固定资产投资7400万元,铺底流动资金1453万元。五、经济效益 项目完成后,年可新增销售收入18000万元
,利税2480万元,其中利润1326万元。六、合作方式 合资或合作。七、联系方式联系人:董平学电话:0530—39522113952213Technological transformation to theequipments of producingthe high-desity fabricⅠ. Company ofprojectHeze Milk Way TextileCo., Ltd.Ⅱ. Market analysisThisProject can produce more than 4million meters of, the high-desityand the high counts, accordingwith the requisition for quality andgrade of the cotton yarn in theinternational market. Except beingvery getting directly exported,they can substitute the importcloth. So the domestic and othermarket prospects are better.Ⅲ.Transform content mainlyThis projectplans to introduce 100 air-jetlooms (match one pair of spraynozzles of brocade device) and homeequipments to relate it, andupgrades comb uniting, fly frame andcomber clearly.Ⅳ. Budgetaryestimate of investmentThe grossinvestment of the project is88,530,000 Yuan, among them theinvestment in fixed assets is 74million Yuan, and the pave-bottomcirculating fund is14,530 thousandYuan.Ⅴ. Economic benefitsAfterthe project is finished, it canincrease the income from sales of180 million Yuan newly every year.Among them profits tax is24,800,000 Yuan, and the profit is13,260,000 Yuan.Ⅵ. CooperativewayJoint-venture or cooperationⅦ.Contact wayContact person: DongPingxueTel: 86-530- 39522113953213



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