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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月27日 16:17 商务部网站

  300台剑杆织机项目一、项目简介 购置300台先进的毛巾剑杆织机及相应的配套设备,生产高档巾被产品。二、市场分析 巾被产品是人类日常生活的必需品。市场需求量越来越大。就国际市场而言,发达国家对巾被产品的需求将基本依赖进口,而中高档巾被产品的国际市场竞争优势日益增强,这都给中高档巾被产品的出口提供了巨大的潜在市场。三、投资概算及经济效益 项目总投资17000万元,其中固定资产投资15000万元,铺底流动资金2000万元。项目达产后,新增销售收入30000万元,利税10000万元,其中,利润5200万元。四、
合作方式 参股、控股等。五、联系方式 成武县银翔棉纺织有限公司联系人:康时杰、胡甫田联系电话:0530-8638038300rapierloomsⅠ. Brief introduction of projectPurchase 300 advancedrapierlooms and corresponding corollary equipment, and producethetop-grade quilt products.Ⅱ. Market analysisThe quilt productsarethe necessities of the human’s daily life. The market demandislarger and larger. As regards international market, the demandforthe quilt products of developed country will rely onimportbasically, and the international market competition advantageofthe medium-to-high grade quilt products will be strengthened daybyday. They will provide the enormous potential market for exportofthe medium-to-high grade quilt products.Ⅲ. The budgetaryestimateof investment and economic benefitsThe gross investment oftheproject is 170 million Yuan. Among them the investment infixedassets is 150 million Yuan, the pave-bottom circulating fundof 20million Yuan.After the project reaches the postpartum, theincomefrom sales increases 300 million Yuan newly, profits tax is100million Yuan, and among them, the profit is 52 millionYuan.Ⅳ.Cooperative wayParticipation, or proprietaty etc.Ⅴ.ContactwayCheng Wu Cotton Spinning Co., Ltd.Contact person: KangShijie HuFutianTel: 86-530-8638038



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