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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月27日 16:17 商务部网站


  成武县宏达纸业有限公司总资产2.2亿元,机制纸生产能力10万吨,产品畅销,银行信用等级“AA”级。二、项目内容 建设6万吨/年特种纸生产线一条,配置相应的污水处理系统。产品质量达到GB/T13023-91标准中的A级标准,可完全替代进口。三、投资概算及经济效益 项目总投资15000万元,其中,固定资产投资11600万元,铺底流动资金3400万元。项
目达产后,年销售收入30000万元,利税4000万元,其中利润2500万元。四、合作方式 参股五、联系方式联系人:康时杰、胡甫田联系电话:0530—8638038Produce60,000tons of special paper per yearⅠ. Enterprises overviewTotalassetsof Cheng Wu Hong Da Paper Co., Ltd. are 2200 million Yuan.Theproduction capacity of machine-made papers is 100,000 tons.Theproducts sell well. The credit grade of the bank is AA inthebank.Ⅱ. Project contentBuild one production line of 60,000 tonsofspecial paper per year, and dispose the corresponding systemofsewage disposal. The product quality reaches the A grade inthestandard of GB/T13023-91. It can totally substitute theimport.Ⅲ.The budgetary estimate of investment and economicbenefitsThe grossinvestment of the project is 150 million Yuan.Among them, theinvestment in fixed assets is 116 million Yuan, thepave-bottomcirculating fund of 34 million Yuan.The project reachesthepostpartum, the annual income from sales is 300 millionYuan,profits tax is 40 million Yuan, and among them the profit is25million Yuan.Ⅳ. Cooperative wayParticipation.Ⅴ. ContactwayContactperson: Kang Shijie Hu FutianTel: 86-530-8638038



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