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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月27日 15:59 商务部网站

1.5万吨的生产能力,预计年可新增销售收入2亿元,创汇2000万美元,利润1600万元,税金1200万元。五、合作方式参股、控股、联合均可六、联系方式山东菏泽天一化工有限公司联系人:肖钦文祝建银姜升联系电话: 0530-5928953 5928950 5928951The expanded project ofsodiumtripolyphosphate (STPP)Ⅰ. Brief introduction of projectTheexpandedproject of 80,000 tons of sodium tripolyphosphate(original 40,000tons).Ⅱ. Technological characteristic andadvantageSTPP is usedmainly for the surface activation of thedetergent and the controlagent which is used when digging the mudin the oil well. Atpresent, Tian Yi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.Has already signed thepurpose of selling contract with several bigdomestic detergentcompanis (Zhe Jiang Na AI Si, Shan Xi Nan Feng ,China Quan Li Group,etc.), and Have established the supplyrelation for a long timewith the raw materials supplier, such asGui Zhou Qian Neng Group,Si Chuan Pan Zhi HUapuorgetc. Themarket prospects are good.Ⅲ.Budgetary estimate of investmentThegross investment of the projectis 72 million Yuan. Among them theinvestment in fixed assets is 42million Yuan, circulating fund of30 million Yuan.Ⅳ. Analysis ofeconomic benefitsAfter the projectis built up, the annual output ofSTPP is 80,000 tons, 100,000 tonsof phosphoric acid, 150,000 tonsof phosphate. It is estimated thatcan increase the income fromsales of 200 million Yuan newly everyyear, earns foreign exchangeof 20 million dollars, the profit of16 million Yuan and tax of 12million Yuan.Ⅴ. CooperativewayParticipation, proprietary orjointly.Ⅵ. Contact wayShandongHeze Tian Yi Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.Contact person: Xiao QinwenZhu Jianyin Jiang ShengTel:86-530-5928953 5928950 5928951



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