外滩画报简介 | ||||||||
http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月20日 17:50 新浪财经 | ||||||||
上海最新锐的新闻周报 Advanced News Weekly in Shanghai 办报宗旨:独立立场,理性态度,追求新闻的公信力
Tenet:Unique Position, Rational Attitude, Pursuing Authority of News 报纸定位:国际化新闻周报 Style: International Weekly Newspaper 读者定位:接受过良好教育,有一定的工作社会阅历,收入丰厚,年龄在28-45岁之间,关心社会进步的公务员、经理人、管理人士、研究员、教授等 Target Reader Description: Well-educated, High Salary, Aged at 28-45, Business men, Managers, People in administration, Researchers and Professors concern about the society development 市场定位:立足上海,辐射长江三角洲及国内主要城市 Market Position: Base in Shanghai, Penetrating 报纸形态:4开48版,进口新闻纸,全彩印刷 Edition Description: Quarto, 48-page, All-color printed with imported news paper 零售价格:人民币2元,港币4元(港澳市场) Price: RMB¥2.00,Hk$4.00(Hong Kong and Macau) 发行数量:平均期发量150000份,其中本埠120000份,外埠30000份 Circulation: Average 150,000/period, 120,000 in Shanghai and 30,000 in Other cities 办百年大报 外滩画报是上海最具实力的大型出版集团之一的文汇新民集团旗下的媒体。集团拥有拥有完善的全国发行网络和信息网络。 外滩画报以清晰的新闻理念吸引了一批中国最具活力的新闻人,在海外设有较强的报道力量,致力于与知名媒体和行销商的深度合作。 The BUND gathers many energetic newsmen in China for our clear news ideal and it also has built strong report network overseas. We also devote ourselves to deep cooperation with well-known media and business associates. 主要栏目介绍 Main Columns Description Special Editions 特色版块 1、外滩评论(社评/新闻观察/经济观察) Bund Comment(Editorial, News Observer, Economic Observer) 以推动社会发展为立场,关注重大事件和热门话题 Take Attention on big events and hot topics, aiming to push social development 2、外滩世界 BUND World Report 以民间立场综述重大事件 Sum up big events with civilian viewpoint 3、外滩国际城市 BUND Metropolis 与国际大都市比肩,介绍国际著名城市的风貌 Introduce famous international metropolis Main Pages 主要版面 外滩新闻 BUND News 深度剖析时政、社会、文化领域的重大事件,独家视角、独家发现 Give deep reports on events in politics, society and culture with unique viewpoint 外滩经济 BUND Economic 严守中立立场,支持市场经济,关注财富智慧,研读跨国公司管理 Support market economy,focus on fortune intelligence, analyzing corporate administration 外滩文化生活 BUND Culture 国际视野,精英文化,时尚生活 Take International viewpoint, introducing elite culture and fashion style 地址:中国上海市常熟路100弄10号宝立大厦5楼 邮编:200040 传真:021-62489978 网址:www.bundpic.com |