项目编号: GJZB_NO.4298项目名称: 道路交通运输项目国 家: 巴西类 属: 交通资金支持: 世界银行摘要:一般性采购贷款/信贷号码:合同/投标号码:发布日期: 2005-5-20截止日期:项目介绍:The GovernmentofBrazil has applied for financing in the amount of US$502.51million equivalent from the World Bank toward the cost of theRoadTransport Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceedstopayments for goods, works, related services and consultingservicesto be procured under this project.The
project will includethefollowing components (i) Component 1 to support theimplementationof the Federal Road Maintenance and RehabilitationProgram throughthe financing of road rehabilitation and maintenanceworks, and(ii) Component 2, a technical assistance component tostrengthenmanagement capacity in the transport sector at thefederal level,through training, studies and equipment.Component 1will includecivil works for road rehabilitation and maintenance,whileComponent 2 will require the provision of computer softwareandhardware, other equipment, consulting servicesandtraining.Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bankwillbe conducted through the procedures as specified in (a) theWorldBank抯 Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits(May2004 edition) for civil works and goods contracts, and (b)theWorld Bank抯 Guidelines: Selection and Employment of ConsultantsbyWorld Bank Borrowers (May 2004 edition), for consultingservicescontracts. Procurement is open to all eligible bidders asdefinedin the guidelines.Specific procurement notices for contractsto bebid under the World Bank抯 international competitive bidding(ICB)procedures and for contracts for consultancy services willbeannounced, as they become available, in UN Development BusinessanddgMarket, and Brazilian newspapers of largecirculation.Interestedeligible bidders who wish to be included onthe mailing list toreceive invitations to bid under ICB procedures,and interestedconsultants who wish to receive a copy ofadvertisement requestingexpressions of interest for consultancycontracts, or thoserequiring additional information, should contactthe addressbelow.Contact:Departamento Nacional De Infra-EstruturaDeTransportes - DNIT .Attn: Sebastiao Donizete De Souza.SAN Quadra03- Bloco A - Mezanino Sul.Bras韑ia-DF, Brasil, CEP70040-902.Tel:(55-61) 315-4156.Fax: (55-61) 315-4055.E-mail:acl@dnit.gov.br .Website: www.dnit.gov.bNoticeNumber:WB1498-656/05