广阔市场前景。合成氨作为重要的基础化工原料,其应用广泛,需求量巨大。随着我国化肥工业及硝酸等相关化学工业的快速发展,其市场需求将稳步增长。六、经济效益分析:项目产品达产后,新增合成氨生产能力4万吨/年,新增甲醇生产能力3万吨/年,全年利润为:1610万元,税金800多万元,经济效益显著。七、希望在以下哪方面寻求合作机会和合作伙伴:1、合资、合作希望投资者投资金额:人民币4000万元希望投资者其它的投入:2、技术合作:3、贸易及销售代理:八、企业基本情况及主导产品:合成氨10万吨/年、尿素13万吨/年、碳酸氢铵5万吨/年、复合肥5万吨/年、精甲醇2万吨/年、8PPD、8PPD-35、8PPDC、4010NA、4020共5000吨/年。2003年销售收入22000万元。企业地址:山东·宁阳县城区南首邮政编码:271400项目联系人:周芹利联系电话:0538-5650528传真:0538-5650939电子邮件:nyfdhggs@public.tappt.sd.cn宁阳县对外贸易经济合作局电话05385625175传真 05385625006 联系人 赵庆雷I Project Name: Producing 120thousand tons ofSynthetic ammonia with 40 thousand tons of Methylalcohol attachedannuallyII Enterprise Name: Shandong FeidaChemical Technical Co.,Ltd.III Gross Investment for the Project:The total investment isRMB595 million.IV Enterprises AffiliatedTrade: ChemicalindustriesV Brief Introduction & MarketAnalysis of theProductsFacing the keen competition, the companyhas determined toconstructed the project of producing 120 thousandtons of Syntheticammonia with 40 thousand tons of Methyl alcoholattached annually byadopting the domestic advanced techniquesbasing on the presentinstallations of Synthetic ammonia in orderto fit in with the needsof the developing markets, strengthen thecompany itself and enforcethe company itself develop continuously,rapidly and soundly.Methylalcohol is a vital essential industrialchemical. The consumption ofMethyl alcohol is increasing fast withthe rapid development ofnational economy, meanwhile the fuelMethyl alcohol, which canreplace the petrol, will have goodprospects. The consumption ofSynthetic ammonia, which is also avital essential industrialchemical and widely used in many fields,is in great need. Themarketing demands of Synthetic ammonia shallgo up steadily with therapid development of the Chemical fertile,Nitric acid and therelative industries.VI Analysis of EconomicBenefitsThe capacity ofproducing Synthetic ammonia shall increaseby 40,000 tons and Methylalcohol 30,000 tons annually. The yearlyprofit will reach RMB16million annually and taxes over RMB8million. The economic benefitsare remarkable.VII SeekingCooperative Chance & CooperativePartner in which of thefollowings:1. Joint-venture orcooperationThe expecting investmentamount: RMB40 millionOtherinvestment expected from theinvestor2.Technological cooperation3.Trade and sale agentVIIIEnterprises Basic State & LeadingProductsThe company has thecapacity of producing 100 thousand tonsof Synthetic ammoniaannually, 130 thousand tons of Ureaannually,50,000 tons ofHydrogen ammonium of Carbonic acidannually,50,000 tons of Compoundfertile annually, 20,000 tons ofPrecise Methyl alcohol annually,and 5,000 tons of8PPD,8PPD-35,8PPDC,4010NA, 4020 in totalannually. And the salesincome of 2003 adds up to RMB220 millionannually.Address: theSouthern Part of the City Proper, NingyangCounty of ShandongProvincePostal Code: 271400Contact To: ZhouQinliTelephone:0538-5650528Fax: 0538-5650939E-mail:nyfdhggs@public.tappt.sd.cn