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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月18日 12:07 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4278项目名称: 北美开发银行项目国 家: 墨西哥类 属: 其他资金支持: 北美开发银行摘要:系统升级贷款/信贷号码:合同/投标号码:发布日期: 2005-5-18截止日期: 2005-6-7项目介绍:TheNorthAmerican Development Bank (NADB) has signed an agreement withtheSan Luis Rio Colorado Municipal Commission of Water andSewage(Comision Municipal de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado 揅OMAPA?,todevelop and update a user registry and the associated mappingofthe city.This institutional strengt
hening project will befinancedby a grant totaling approximately US$ 150,000 form theNADB抯Institutional Development Cooperation Program (IDP).The Cityof SanLuis Rio Colorado, Sonora has a population estimated at200,000. Inthe same year, COMAPA抯 registry included a total of52,900accounts, 50,400 of which were domestic users, 2,500commercial andindustrial.The NADB intends to engage consultants tocarry out thisproject. The project consists of (1) the update of aregistry thatincludes all users, to include domestic, commercial,industrial,government or public, a combination of the same, andthose in theprocess of applying for service; (2) the update of theassociatedmapping on a block-by-block basis; (3) the correlation ofexistingaccounts to the new user registry; (4) the evaluation ofexistingsoftware; (5) the evaluation of the existing hardware, andin bothlast cases, and if necessary, the recommendation ofadditionalsoftware and computer equipment required for thedevelopment andupdate of the new user registry and associatedmapping. Firms nothaving the necessary experience for specifictasks, may associatewith other firms or subcontract experts tocomplement their teamand to be able to provide all of theconsultant servicesrequired.Interested firms are hereby invited tosubmit expressionsof interest for this study. No firms that haveever been sanctionedby either NADB or the City of San Luis RioColorado, Sonora, willbe allowed to participate. Participation incontracts to befinanced by the NADB is open to firms in any countryand will beconducted in accordance with the NADB ProcurementPolicies andProcedures. A shortlist of qualified firms will bepreparedfollowing evaluation and the firms in that list will beformallyinvited to submit proposals. Documentation and terms ofreferencewill be issued in Spanish only.Consulting firms interestedinparticipating must have, at a minimum, five years experienceinaccordance with the concepts cited above, in communities ofasimilar size as San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora. In ordertodetermine the capability and experience of consulting firmsseekingto be shortlisted, the following information should besubmitted:--A company profile, organization, and services.--Details ofexperience or similar assignments undertaken in theprevious fiveyears, including a full detion of the projects, theirlocation,estimated cost, and duration; as well as references (name,address,and telephone numbers) for at least three completedprojects.--Curriculum vitae (CV) of staff who could be available towork onthe assignment and have experience in theabove-mentionedareas.Please use the CV format from the Internetaddressbelow.--Ability to work in Spanish, given that alldocumentationand terms of reference will be issued only inSpanish.The study isexpected to begin in August 2005 and takeapproximately six monthsto complete. Firms currently providingconsulting services to theNADB, or currently competing for similarNADB contracts, shalldemonstrate the capacity to undertake thiseffort successfullywithout affecting the quality of the consultingservices already inprogress.Four copies of the above informationshould be submittedto the address below in an envelope marked揈xpression of Interestfor IDP 177-02/05 San Luis R韔 Colorado,Sonora 朥pdate of UserRegistry and Associated Mapping,?and receivedby NADB no later than1700 hours, on 7 June 2005. Informationreceived after that timeand date will not be considered.Furtherinformation may be obtainedfrom the address below.Contact:ErickSchleback.Senior ProcurementOfficer .North American DevelopmentBank .203 South St. Mary抯,Suite 300 .San Antonio, Texas, 78205.Tel:(1-210) 231-8000 .Fax:(1-210) 231-6232.Website:www.nadb.org/spanish/Procurement/bios/form.htmNoticeNumber:NADB12-655/05


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