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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月18日 12:07 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4277项目名称: 国外投资和促进出口项目国 家: 亚美尼亚类 属: 咨询服务资金支持:世界银行摘要: 咨询服务贷款/信贷号码: 信贷号:3633-AM合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-5-18截止日期:2005-5-24项目介绍:This notice is an update of that whichwas publishedin UN Development Business Online on 7 March 2005(seeWB739-651/05). Note that the date to receive ExpressionsofInterest has changed from 21 March to 24 May 2005.This requestforexpressions of interest follows the general p
rocurement noticeforthis project that appeared in UN Development Business Issue 624of28 January 2004 and updated in Issue 651 of 31 March2005.TheRepublic of Armenia has received a credit from theInternationalDevelopment Association (IDA) toward the cost of theForeignInvestment and Export Facilitation Project, and intends toapplypart of the proceeds of this credit to payments under thecontractfor the development of strategic and marketing plan for thefinechemicals sector of RA.The consultant is tasked with developingafine chemicals inward investment promotion and exportdevelopmentstrategy and marketing plan. Specifically the area ofinterest isorganic compounds, which are raw materials/intermediateproductsfor the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, foodadditives,agricultural products, etc.For the export promotioncomponent itwill include the following:· Develop a marketing planfor sellingfine chemicals products, produced in Armenia to includethe issuesof quality, certification, pricing and transportation;·To providedetailed information on the structure of the sectorinternationallyand the supply chain relationships of the foreigncompanies withinthe Fine chemicals sector;· Identify the companiesthat can beconsidered as potential buyers for the products withpotential.Forthe investment promotion component it will include thefollowing:·World market overview of investment trends within thesector and torecommend to ADA which sub sectors and which companiesADA shouldfocus on to attract inward investments;· SWOT analysis oftheArmenian sector.The services are expected to start at midApril.TheArmenian Development Agency of the Republic of Armenia nowinviteseligible consultant companies to indicate their interestinproviding the services. Interested consultant companiesmustprovide information indicating that they are qualified toperformthe services (brochures, detion of similar assignments,experiencein similar conditions, availability of appropriate skillsamongstaff, etc.).Eligibility:Previous experience in undertakingfinechemicals promotional activities focusing on foreign investmentanddeveloping export markets, in-depth knowledge of the finechemicalssector and development trends, their supply chains, andhaveconnections with fine chemicals companies that could beconsideredas potential investors or buyers. Access to internationalnetworksfor effective marketing.A consultant will be selected inaccordancewith the procedures set out in the Section III.Least-CostSelection of the World Bank抯 Guidelines: Selection andEmploymentof Consultants by World Bank Borrowers published by theAssociationin January 1997 and revised in Septr 1997 andJanuary1999.Interested consultants may obtain further informationat theaddress below from 0900 to 1800 hours, local time.Expressionsofinterest must be delivered to the address below by 24May2005.Contact:Mr. Vahagn Movsisyan.GeneralDirector.ArmenianDevelopment Agency (ADA).Charents 17 St.Yerevan,Republic ofArmenia.Tel: (374-1) 577-750.Fax: (374-1)542-272.E-mail:info@ada.am, mara@ffpmc.amNoticeNumber:WB1473-656/05


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