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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月18日 11:45 商务部网站


模,新征土地100亩,新建厂房18000平方米及相应公用工程配套,增加喷水织机100台(190cm—210cm),浆丝机1台,倍捻机60台及相应配套设备,年坯布产量900万米,配套印染深加工生产;新增圆网印花机1台,及相应后处理设备,使现有1500万米/年生产能力扩大到3000万米/年。项目总投资950万美元,中方以现有1500万米印染配套设备及现汇出资,外方以现汇(或设备出资),外方出资比例不低于350万美元,占项目总投资35%。项目投产后,年创利税2800万元。经济效益可观。加工产品范围不断扩大,建成一个适合于涤纶、纯棉、人棉、人丝、锦纶、涤棉、涤锦等的机织及针织类印染产品的现代化加工企业。真诚欢迎业内人士前来咨询、洽谈合资合作发展,共创辉煌!电话:0086-0631-5922122 联系人:许殿利13356809717传真:0086-0631-5921830 E-mail:wanye@vip.163.comBrief Introduction ofthe Cooperation ItemWanyeDyeing and Weaving Co., Ltd. has wholeset imported internationaladvanced printing and dyeing equipmentsand back arrangementtechnology from Korea, Germany, Japan and soon. It is in a leadingposition among the printing and dyeingmanufacturing companies inChina and it takes high reputation homeand abroad. The main productis: fine printing, dyeing and pressingcrape of terylene copy realsilk, pure cotton, man-made cotton andterylene cotton. Thesesproducts are sold well all over the countryand also sold well onforeign markets like Japan, Korea and theOccident. The annualmanufacturing and producing capability is 15million meters.In orderto meet the development of the company, itplans to construct indifferent place to expand its producingscope, to newly levy groundabout 100 mu, to newly build wokshop18000 square meters and somerelative public engineering system, toincrease 100 spraying waterweaving machines (190cm to 210cm), onewash and starch silk machine,60 twisting frame and relativecomplete set of equipment. Its annualproduct capacity of greycloth is 9 million meters. The complete setprinting and dyeingwill deeply manufacture and produce. It willalso newly increaseone round net printing machine and its relativeback managementequipment. The annual producing capability of 15million meterswill increase to 30 million meters.The totalinvestment of the itemis 9.5 million US $. China’s investment wayis that 15 millionmeters printing and dyeing complete set ofequipment and cash.Foreigner’s investment way is cash (orequipment). The investmentis not under 3.5 million US $ and theinvestment proportion is 35%.After the item putsotniproduction,the annual profit tax willreach 28 million RMB. So the economicbenefit is very good.It willenlarge the scope of manufacturingproducts, and build a modernmanufacturing company that is fit forweaving and knitting printingproducts of terylene, pure cotton,man-made cotton, man-made silk,polyamide fiber, terylene cotton,terylene polyamide fiber and soon.Sincerely welcome to consult,negotiate and cooperate!Let’stogether develop and setupresplendence!Tel:0086-0631-5922122Fax:0086-0631-5921830Linkman:XuDianli 13356809717E-mail: wanye@vip.163.com



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