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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月17日 10:18 商务部网站

将达到35万吨左右,供应量约为33~35万吨,消费量可望达40~45万吨,缺口10~12万吨左右,市场前景看好。六、经济效益分析:年可实现销售收入8.4亿元,利润总额1.42亿元。七、希望在以下哪方面寻求合作机会和合作伙伴:1、合资、合作希望投资者投资金额:人民币万元希望投资者其它的投入:2、技术合作:3、贸易及销售代理:八、企业基本情况及主导产品:三聚氰胺年产量4.2万吨,硫酸钾复合肥20万吨,盐酸6万吨,硫酸8万吨,酶制剂1500吨。2003年销售收入28690万元。企业地址:山东省宁阳县磁窑镇邮政编码:271411项目联系人:郗运柱联系电话:0538-5838003传真:0538-5811176电子邮件:hhkys@sina.com.cnIProject Name: Producing80,000 tons of Acrylic acid & EstersannuallyII EnterpriseName: Haihua-Kuixing Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.III GrossInvestment for the Project: The total investment isRMB920million.IV Enterprises Affiliated Trade: ChemicalindustriesVBrief Introduction & Market Analysis of theProductsAcrylicacid & Esters, mainly referring to Acrylic acid,Acrylic methylester, Acetyl ester, Butyl ester, Isooctyl, etc,widely used in thefollowing fields: coating, Binder, Chemicalfiber, Textile,Paper-making, Leather, Hygienic products, Chemicalarticles for oilfields, and Absorption resin and so on, are vitalorganicindustrial chemical materials.Acrylic oxidizing process willbeadopted to construct the project of producing 80,000 tonsofacrylic acid & Esters, making use of the internationaladvancedtechniques as a guide. The rate of demanding increase forAcrylicacid & Esters is around 7% yearly during the TenthFive-YearPlan.A bcenter future for the products lie ahead basing ontheinsufficiency of about 100,00 – 200,000 tons, the supply ofthatwill be between 330,000 and 350,000 tons, while theconsumptionamount is to be beyond 400,000 even 450,000 tons.VIAnalysis ofEconomic BenefitsThe sales income will reach RMB840millionannually and the profit and taxes RMB142 million.VIISeekingCooperative Chance & Cooperative Partner in which ofthefollowings:1. Joint-venture or cooperationThe expectinginvestmentamount: ________Other investment expected fromtheinvestor2.Technological cooperation3. Trade and saleagentVIIIEnterprises Basic State & Leading ProductsThe companyhas thecapacity of producing 42,000 tons of Melamine annually,200,000tons of Potassium compound fertilizer of Sulphuricacidannually,60,000 tons of Hydrochloric acid annually,80,000 tonsofSulphuric acid annually, 1,500 tons of Enzyme pretion annually.Thesales income of 2003 is over RMB280 million.Address: CiyaoTown,Ningyang County of Shandong ProvincePostal Code: 271411ContactTo:Ci YunzhuTelephone: 0538-5838003Fax:0538-5811176E-mail:hhkys@sina.com.cn



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