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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月17日 10:18 商务部网站

:项目投产后,年增销售收入3.25亿元,利税6500万元,利润4550万元。七、希望在以下哪方面寻求合作机会和合作伙伴:1、合资、合作希望投资者投资金额:人民币万元希望投资者其它的投入:2、技术合作:3、贸易及销售代理:八、企业基本情况及主导产品:8000吨/年甲基1605;2000吨/年灭多威;20000吨/年神农丹(涕灭威);5000吨/年毒死蜱。2000吨/年多菌灵;1500吨/年二甲戊乐灵;3000吨/年乙草胺;12万吨/年离子膜烧碱;13.5万吨/年浓硝酸;6000吨/年光气;3000吨/年三氯化磷等,2003年销售收入3.38亿元。于2002年10月发行A股股票并上市(股票名称:华阳科技股票代码:600532)企业地址:山东·宁阳·磁窑邮政编码:271411项目联系人:闫新华联系电话:(0538)5826018传真:(0538)5826066电子邮件:cnhy@huayang.comIProject Name: Producing50,000 tons of High purity anilineannuallyII Enterprise Name:Huayang Scientific & TechnologicalStock Co., LtdIII GrossInvestment for the Project: The totalinvestment is RMB300 million,RMB260 million fixed assets and RMB40million reserve floatingfunds included.IV Enterprises AffiliatedTrade: ChemicalindustriesV Brief Introduction & Market Analysisof theProductsHigh purity aniline, a key industrial chemical, iswidelyused in many businesses and industries, including Syntheticdye,pigment, rubber, Medicines and chemical reagents. The company,withthe capacity of producing the raw materials, such as Nitricacidand Hydrogen, intends to adopt the advanced key techniquesfromhome to manufacture the product, which has a bcenter andwidemarket, the total demand will be more than 550,000 tons inthedomestic market next year according to the estimation and therateof consumption increase will stay 11-12% yearly. Theplanningconstruction period is to be from Decr 2005 to Novr 2006,for 12months’ duration.VI Analysis of Economic BenefitsThe salesincomewill increase by RMB325 million annually and the profit andtaxesby RMB65 million, RMB45.5 million of which is the profitpart.VIISeeking Cooperative Chance & Cooperative Partner inwhich ofthe followings:1. Joint-venture or cooperationTheexpectinginvestment amount: ________Other investment expected fromtheinvestor2.Technological cooperation3. Trade and saleagentVIIIEnterprises Basic State & Leading ProductsThe companyhas thecapacity of producing 8,000 tons of Methyl 1605 annually,2,000tons of Methomyl annually,20,000 tons of Aldicardannually,5,000tons of Chlorpyrifos annually, 2,000 tons ofCarbendazim annually,1,500 tons of Pendimethalin annually,3,000tons of Acetochlorannually, 120,000 tons of Ionic exchange membranesoda annually,135,000 tons of Dense nitric acid annually, 6,000tons of Phosgeneannually, 3,000 tons of Phosphorus trichlorideannually and so on.A share stocks has been issued and listed sinceOctober 2002 (Stockname: Huayangkeji / Huayang Technology; Stockcode: 600532)Address:Ciyao Town, Ningyang County of ShandongProvincePostal Code:271411Contact To: Yan XinhuaTelephone:0538-5826018Fax:0538-5826066E-mail: cnhy@huayang.com



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