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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月16日 14:12 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4259项目名称: 首都供水部门改组项目国 家: 尼日利亚类 属: 咨询服务资金支持: 世界银行摘要:咨询服务贷款/信贷号码:合同/投标号码:发布日期: 2005-5-16截止日期: 2005-5-20项目介绍:Thisnoticefollows the General Procurement Notice for the SecondNational UrbanWater Reform Project that appeared in UN DevelopmentBusiness No.620, of 16 Decr 2003.The World Bank is currentlypreparing a US$ 210million Second National Urban Water Project tosupport the NigerianGovernment to
provide potable water supply tourban residents inLagos and Cross River states. Inpuorgtostrengthen relations withcommunities under this Project, the LagosState Water Corporation(LSWC) and the 珻ross River State WaterBoard (CRWB) intend tosupport a comprehensive stakeholder outreachprogram, which willinclude a Customer Feed-Back System to ensurethat water serviceprovision reflects demands of all usergroups.The Government,through the LSWC and the CRWB, has decidedto employ severalNigerian Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) todevelop and thenimplement the Customer Feed-Back System, asspecified in the Termsof Reference (TOR). LSWC and CRWB now invitequalified andinterested NGOs to a meeting (in Lagos and Calabar),at the dates,time and locations shown below, to present anddiscuss the TOR. Atthese meetings, interested NGOs firms areexpected to providefeedback on the elements which should beclarified, enhanced ormodified. LSWC and CRWB will analyze therecommendations received,and decide on those they considerrelevant for the TOR. On the basisof comments and discussion, arevised TOR will be finalized by LSWCand CRWB in consultation withthe World Bank. The bidding documentswill then be prepared inaccordance with the revised TOR.LAGOS:·Meeting Date: Saturday May14, 2005· Time: 3:00 pm· Location: LagosSheraton Hotel, Lagos,NigeriaCALABAR· Meeting Date: Friday May 20,2005· Time: 3:00 pm·Location: Cross River State Water Board Ltd.,Head Office, Calabar,Cross River State, NigeriaCosts to attend themeetings are theresponsibility of the interested NGOs.The draft TORoutlining theproposed management consultancy is available tointerested NGOs onthe World Bank Nigeria Office抯 website at thefollowinglink:http://web.worldbank.org/external/default/main?menuPK=368928&pagePK=141155&piPK=141124&theSitePK=368896Onthebasis of the current design of the project requirements, at thetimebidding, participating NGOs are expected to meet thefollowingminimum qualifications:· To be a legalized non-profitNigerian,non-governmental organization, based in the state抯 capitalcity orthe water board抯 DSA, with a relevant mandate, and at least7 yearsof experience in urban community development/localserviceprovision, with a reputation for results,commitment,responsiveness, inclusiveness and mr orientation.· Tohaverespected standing in the neighborhood to allow for credibilityincarrying out this assignment.· Financial management capacityinorder to meet World Bank fiduciary requirements.· Theavailabilityof qualified staff to prepare and timely deliver thedeliverables,and to participate in all the training provided by theProject.Acomplete list of the required qualifications will bedescribed inthe bidding documents for the proposed consultancy.Assoon as thebidding document is finalized, the government of Nigeriawillpublish a Specific Procurement Notice in the dgMarket,UNDevelopment Business and the local newspapers invitinginterestedbidders to obtain the bidding documents. Procurement forthisconsultancy will be undertaken in accordance with thecurrentversion of the World Bank Procurement Guidelines(Guidelines:Selection and Employment of Consultants by World BankBorrowers,May 2004) using Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS)procedures.A detion of the guidelines is available on the WorldBank website(www.worldbank.org).For further information,pleasecontact:Contact:Dr. Yemi Suleiman.The Lagos StateWaterCorporation, Ltd.Headquarters, Water House.Ijora,Lagos,Nigeria.Tel: (234) 123-4567.E-mail:yemisuleiman@yahoo.comNoticeNumber:WB1340-654/05


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